DR1 data and source products description

This eROSITA-DE Data Release 1 (DR1) consists of calibrated event lists, images, exposure maps, background maps, sensitivity maps, and source data products. All these data products are produced by the eROSITA Science Analysis Software System (eSASS) pipeline at the Max-Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics (MPE). The links below provide information about the onboard eROSITA CCDs, the description of data products' naming convention used by the eSASS pipeline, a concise overview of the header keywords in the data products, a detailed explanation of the different extensions in the event files and a concise description of the columns in the source catalogues produced by the eSASS tasks ermldet and catprep.

We also offer upper limits per sky position which are described here.

CCD properties

A description of the properties of the eROSITA CCDs can be found in this section.

Description of released data and source products

A detailed description of the data and source products can be found in this section.

Data products file naming convention

The file naming convention that the eSASS team follows when producing such data products is described in the link above. In general, the data file names give an idea of the type of products they are.

Header keywords description

Description of the standard header key words as they are produced by the eROSITA Science Analysis Software System (eSASS).

Extensions description

Description of the standard extensions of the data and source products as they are produced by the eROSITA Science Analysis Software System (eSASS).

Description of source catalogues

Description of the column layout of the source catalogues produced by the eROSITA Science Analysis Software System's tasks ermldet and catprep.