eROSITA standard FITS file extensions

The purpose of this page is to describe the different standard extensions of the data and source products as they are produced by the eROSITA Science Analysis Software System (eSASS).

On this page

1 EVENTS extension

1.1 Columns

         TIME           R*8     The same as FRAMETIME (see below). The accuracy 
                                limitations mentioned under FRAMETIME's column 
                                description also apply to this column. By default, 
                                the TIME values will be non-randomised and not 
                                baricentre-corrected; these corrections will be 
                                applied by interactive tasks on a case by case basis 

         RA, DEC        R*8     J2000, calculated from attitude, RAWX, RAWY, and
                                SUBX, SUBY. (Datatype was originally designed to
                                be I*4.)

         X, Y           R*8     Sky projection coordinates, of pixel size 0.05 arcsec.
                                Units and origin as defined in WCS keywords.
                                (Datatype was originally designed to be I*4.)

         PI             R*4     For each pixel of an event pattern, the PI
                                column will contain the corrected total energy
                                in eV (positive for main event, negative for all
                                other pixels).

         EV_WEIGHT      R*4     Intended to contain a vignetting correction
                                factor (and potentially other corrections), but
                                presently unused.

         RAWX, RAWY     I*2     Position of the event on the CCD pixel grid.
                                See Properties of the CCDs relevant for processing, 
                                link points to Early Data Release, since nothing has changed since then

         SUBX, SUBY     R*8     Reconstructed fractional CCD pixel position of
                                the event centroid. (Datatype was originally
                                designed to be I*1.)
                                See Properties of the CCDs relevant for processing, 
                                link points to Early Data Release, since nothing has changed since then

         PHA            I*2     Raw event amplitude [adu]

         PAT_TYP        I*2     Pattern type: number of pixels in the pattern,
                                positive (1-4) for valid, negative for invalid
                                patterns, same value for all the pixels in the
                                pattern, 0 indicates that pixel was ignored
                                because PHA was too low  (for a more detailed description s. here)

         PAT_INF        I*1     Pattern information (for a more detailed description s. here):
                                  For valid patterns: 3 decimal digits p d q
                                    p: position of the pixel in the pattern (0-2)
                                    d: direction of the pattern (1-4)
                                    q: quality of the pattern (0-9)
                                  For single pixels: tr q
                                    tr: trailing pixel info: precursor distance (<26)
                                    q: quality, with additional information about
                                       diagonal pixel(s)
                                  For invalid patterns:
                                    - if larger than 4 pixels: number of pixels with MIP-like PHAs
                                    - if consisting of 2-4 pixels: PAT_INF = p1 + p2 + p3, with
                                        p1 = 1 if pattern is not recognizable, otherwise p1=0
                                        p2 = 2 if touching an insensitive area with main component, otherwise p2=0
                                        p3 = 4 if likely to consist only of noise events, otherwise p3=0
                                    - if consisting of 1 pixel:
                                        PAT_INF = 2 if single touches insensitive area
                                        PAT_INF = 8 if only present because of diagonal location
                                        PAT_INF = 9 if on pixel set to ‚bad‚ on ground

         TM_NR          I*1     Telescope module, in the range 1-7.

         FLAG           I*4     Although this appears as an integer, the
                                software treats it like a binary flag mask,
                                with bits described in the following section.
         FRAMETIME      R*8     Each CCD is read approximately 20 times a
                                second. Each readout frame can be assigned a
                                definite time, but for reasons of telemetry
                                economy this must be reconstructed a posteriori.
                                This value, expressed in units of seconds since
                                the reference time given in the MJDREF keyword,
                                occupies the FRAMETIME column. Note firstly that
                                this value is only accurate to about 10 ms (the
                                limitation imposed by the poor precision of the
                                so-called subseconds counter), and is also
                                subject to the slow drift (about 14 ms per day,
                                reset whenever it approaches 1 second in total)
                                of the spacecraft clock; and secondly that, as
                                a reconstruction, it is subject to occasional
                                failure (resulting in NULL values) or error
                                (which we attempt to catch and correct).

         RECORDTIME     R*8     This is the spacecraft clock value of the
                                telemetry frame that contains the event. The
                                units and offset are the same as FRAMETIME and
                                TIME. It has lower accuracy (typically 1-3
                                seconds) than FRAMETIME but, since it is a direct
                                telemetry value, it is more reliable.

1.2 FLAG column bits

Note that not all the flag bits are presently defined; and not all of the defined ones are in use.

Note that the PHA_QUALITY_? bits are intended for internal communication between tasks within the pipeline. It is not intended that users should filter on these. If you do so, you may get unexpected results.

## HEX Name Written by Remarks
Owner flags:
0 0x1MPE_OWNER EVATT (0 means MPE has rights, 1 not)
1 0x2IKI_OWNER EVATT (0 means IKI has rights, 1 not)
Information flags:
4 0x10 TRAILING_EVENT ? Event has a precursor in the same CCD frame along readout direction. (Not currently set by any task.)
5 0x20 NEXT_TO_BORDER EVPREP Event lies on a CCD pixel at the CCD edge.
Rejection flags:
16 0x10000OUTSIDE_QUALGTI QUALGTI This bit is not currently set in the pipeline.
18 0x40000PRECEDING_MIP EVPREP Event has a MIP precursor in the same CCD frame along readout direction.
19 0x80000MIP_ASSOCIATED None
Quality flags:
24 0x1000000PHA_QUALITY_1 EVPREP For internal pipeline use.
25 0x2000000PHA_QUALITY_2 EVPREP For internal pipeline use.
26 0x4000000PHA_QUALITY_3 EVPREP For internal pipeline use.
Corrupted data:
29 0x20000000ARTEFACT EVPREP Events in the frame are mostly ‘barcode’ or ‘space-invader’ camera artefacts.
30 0x40000000CORRUPT_EVENT EVPREP Assigned if various values in the telemetry are out of possible limits.
31 0x80000000CORRUPT_FRAME EVPREP Assigned if frame-specific values are out of possible limits.

While it is possible to select various subsets of events with these flags, not all such selections are supported by the downstream pipeline. If, e.g. the TRAILING_EVENT and/or PRECEDING_MIP flags were selected, then the derived fluxes would not be correct.

1.3 Corrupt-data flags

There are one or two points about these that should be mentioned. Recall that a CCD frame is read from each of the 7 cameras about 20 times a second. Each frame is associated with a timestamp and will typically be expected to record a handful of cosmic x-ray photons, each of which can generate charge in up to 4 adjacent CCD pixels. Although eROSITA can transmit information about each pixel with charge separately, usually the information is compressed to economise on telemetry. Each such candidate photon is referred to as a ‚raw event‚. Task EVPREP assigns flag bits to any events which are for one reason or another considered suspect.

2 GTI-type extensions

2.1 Description

2.2 Columns

         START          R*8                Start and stop times of good time intervals;
         STOP           R*8                times as defined in TIME column of EVENTS extension.

3 CORRATTn extension

         TIME           R*8                Times as defined in TIME column of the EVENTS extension.
         RA             R*8                RA [deg] of optical axis of telescope n.
         DEC            R*8                DEC [deg] of optical axis of telescope n.
         ROLL           R*8                Roll angle (assumed to be the counter-clockwise
                                           angle between the north direction in the J2000 coordinate
                                           system and the X direction of the RAWX/RAWY coordinate system.
                                           Note that the north direction is assumed to be the real north 
                                           direction and not the projection of the north vector through 
                                           the telescope on the detector.

4 DEADCORn extension

         TIME           R*8                Times as defined in TIME column of the EVENTS extension of 
                                           telescope n. (TIME refers to middle of validity interval.) 
         DEADC          R*4                0…1 (livetime/ontime); corresponds to the
                                           FRACEXP column of XMM EXPOSURE extensions
                                           or FCT of SASS file LFTIMX.

5 BADPIXn extension

         RAWX           I*2                Detector pixel coordinate of telescope n.
         RAWY           I*2                Detector pixel coordinate of telescope n.
         YEXTENT        I*2                Extent of bad column in y direction.
         TYPE           I*2                1=Hot; 2=Flickering; 3=Dead.
         BADFLAG        I*2                1=uplinked; 2=from CALDB; 3=from file.
         TIMEMIN        R*8                Start of time window in which pixel is bad.
         TIMEMAX        R*8                End of time window in which pixel is bad.
         PHAMIN         I*2                Lower bound of the PHA range over which pixel is bad.
         PHAMAX         I*2                Upper bound of the PHA range over which pixel is bad.
         PHAMED         R*4                Median of PHA values (optional).

6 HKnm extensions

These contain a selection of the so-called housekeeping (HK) quantities transmitted in the telemetry, plus some quantities derived by the pipeline. For every telescope n the HKs are organised into four extensions designated by numbers m = 1, 2, 3 and 5, according to the pattern of organisation in use by the onboard software.

6.1 HKn1 extension

         TIME           R*8                Times as defined in TIME column of the EVENTS extension of telescope n.
         Recordtime     R*8                Same as RECORDTIME in the EVENTS extension.
         PxPROCMODE     Byte               Processing mode; 0: IDLE, 1: work mode, 2: calc offset, 3: calc noise,
                                           4: all singles, … , 9: environment mode 1, 10: environment mode 2.
         PxPROCOPTS     I*4                Options for program control; 1: always send frame times
         PxTMFRAMES     R*4                Telemetry frame counter.
         PxCCDFRAMES    R*4                Number of processed CCD frames.
         PxEVTCTR       R*4                Event counter.
         PxMIPCTR       R*4                MIP counter (number of pixels affected by MIP).
         PxFWSTEPCT     R*4                Step counter (executed).
         PxFWSTAT       Byte               Status of filter wheel.
         PxCHOPPER      R*4                Specifies what number CCD frame should be processed.
         PxSPLT2NOI     R*4                Split to noise ratio.
         PxEVTQLIMT     R*4                Event quota limit.
         DxPROCMODE     I*2
         DxPROCOPTS     I*2
         DxFWSTAT       I*2                
         RFRAMETIME     R*8
         QRFRAMETIME    I*2
         DETSTAT        I*2


6.2 HKn2 extension

         TIME           R*8                Times as defined in TIME column of the EVENTS extension of telescope n.
         Recordtime     R*8                Same as RECORDTIME in the EVENTS extension.
         FWHEEL         Byte               Position of filter wheel; 0: closed, 1: open, 2: filter, 3: calibration.
         CxFWPOS        Byte               Position of filter wheel; 8: filter, 12: open, 13: calibration, 14: closed, 15: moving.
         CxHVFWSW       Byte               Switches for HV, filter wheel converter and filterwheel position sensors.
         CxSTPVOLT      R*4                Voltage of stepper motor.
         PxMIPDELN      R*4                MIP deletion area to the north.
         PxMIPDELS      R*4                MIP deletion area to the south.
         PxMIPDELOW     R*4                MIP deletion area to the east and west.
         PxMIPIMGMX     Byte               MIP image (time exposure) maximum.
         DxFWPOS        I*2
         RFRAMETIME     R*8
         QRFRAMETIME    I*2

6.3 HKn3 extension

         TIME           R*8                Times as defined in TIME column of the EVENTS extension of telescope n.
         Recordtime     R*8                Same as RECORDTIME in the EVENTS extension.
         PxFWDELAY      R*4                Overshoot.
         PxENVTAB       R*4                Table index for selected ENV (dynamic pair).
         CxTCCDPT       R*4                CCD temperature
         DxENVTAB       I*2
         RFRAMETIME     R*8
         QRFRAMETIME    I*2

6.4 HKn5 extension

         TIME           R*8                Times as defined in TIME column of the EVENTS extension of telescope n.
         Recordtime     R*8                Same as RECORDTIME in the EVENTS extension.
         PxMIPTHR       R*4                Data processing, mip threshold.
         PxPRIMTHR      R*4                Data processing, prime threshold.
         PxFWSTEPS      R*4                Number of steps til next stop.
         PxSPLTCT       R*4                Slit event counter.
         PxEVTBMAX      R*4                Event-R/P filling level maximum.
         PxOUTBFREE     R*4                Output R/P: free places.
         PxMIPCRTPT     R*4
         DxMIPTHR       I*2
         DxPRIMTHR      I*2
         DxMIPCTRPT     I*2
         RFRAMETIME     R*8
         QRFRAMETIME    I*2

7 REGION extension

This records spatial selections by task EVTOOL.

         SHAPE          A*16                Shape of region: circle, rectangle, ellipse, box.
         XC             R*8                 X coordinate of center in degrees.
         YC             R*8                 Y coordinate of center in degrees.
         R              R*8                 Size of region in degrees.
         ROTANG         R*8                 Rotation angle.

8 SKY_AREA extension

Cumulative sky area vs. limiting flux written by task ERSENSMAP.

         LIMFLUX        R*4                 Flux limit in erg/cm²/s
         SKY_AREA       R*4                 Sky area in square degrees

9 ACURVE extension

Count rate and corresponding area within which a source of this count rate can be detected, written by task APETOOL.

         LGCR           R*4                 Logarithm of count rate
         AREA           R*4                 Area in square degrees 

10 Header keywords

All of the extensions in the event list share a common set of keywords (apart from obvious differences such as the EXTNAME keyword). This link provides the information about these header keywords.