eSASS standard header keywords

This page describes the meaning of the standard header keywords used in released DR1 data products. These keywords appeared in the events extension, and they are copied to the primary and extension header of all data products derived from the original event file.

         NAME       value                                      explanation

         Column Count                                          number of columns
         Row Count                                             number of rows
         ORIGIN     "MPE"
         CREATOR    <eSASS task>

         CHOPDEAD   "true", "false"                            records the value of the --withdeadchopper parameter of evprep (default 'yes'). 
                                                               For data with chopper >1, if --withdeadchopper='yes', the reduction in exposure 
                                                               due to the chopper is expressed in a reduced value of the DEADTIME column in the 
                                                               DEADCORn extension of the output event list; if ='no' means it is expressed 
                                                               through appropriate holes in GTI
         T_OFFCOR   "false", "true"                            records the value of the --correct_times parameter of evprep (default 'no'). 
                                                               According to the value evprep will then correct 1-second time jumps or not 
                                                               (by use of the appropriate cal file) 

         ERCONFIG                                              pipeline configuration number (same as in file name)
         ERVERS                                                file version number from standard products file name  
         ERPREFIX                                              first four letters/numbers of standard products file name
         ERDSCODE                                              three digit code for telescope module, filter, and energy band
                                                               (as in standard products file name)
         ERDSTYPE                                              e.g. " EventList", "Image", "ExposureMap", "BackgrImage"
                                                               as in standard products file name 
         OWNER      "MPE", "IKI", or "MIXED"
         MISSION    "SRG"                                      location of the camera                    
         DATE                                                  file creation date (YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss UT)
         INSTRUME   "TMn"                                      where n is number of camera, "merged" for multi-camera event files, 
         NINST                                                 number of cameras in event file
         INSTRUM1   e.g., TM1
         INSTRUMn                                              n: NINST, e.g., TM7 if NINST=7

         OBS_MODE   "SURVEY", "POINTING", "SLEW", or "SCAN"
         DATAMODE   "FRAMESTORE"                               (non "FRAMESTORE" data will be outside of QUALGTI)
         FRAMETIM                                              [ms] nominal frame time
         FILTER     "OPEN", "FILTER", "CLOSED", or "Fe55"
         SKYFIELD                                              six digit all-sky survey field number (empty for pointings)

         OBS_ID     obsID                                      six digit observation ID, empty for all-sky survey
         EXP_ID                                                OBI number
         OBJECT                                                name from "mission planning" (purpose oder target name, e.g., 
                                                               "Fe-K PSF", "3C 273")
         RA_OBJ                                                [deg] J2000 target coordinate of proposal
         DEC_OBJ                                               [deg] J2000 ''
         RA_CEN                                                [deg] J2000 center of all-sky surey field       
         DEC_CEN                                               [deg] J2000 ''

         DATE-OBS   yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss                        Start Time (UTC) of exposure
         DATE-END   yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss                        End Time (UTC) of exposure
         TSTART                                                Start time of exposure in units of TIME column
         TSTOP                                                 End time of exposure in units of TIME column
         MJDREF     51543.875                                  [d] 2000-01-01T00:00:00 MSK = 51543.875 MJD 
                                                               (Chandra/XMM: 1998-01-01T00:00:00)
         TIMEZERO   0.0                                        clock correction
         TIMEUNIT   "s"                                        Time unit
         TIMESYS    "TT"                                       Time system (Terrestial Time)
         RA_PNT                                                [deg] actual (mean/median) pointing RA [deg] J2000
         DEC_PNT                                               [deg] actual (mean/median) pointing DEC [deg] J2000
         PA_PNT                                                mean/median position angle of pointing
         RADECSYS   "FK5"           
         EQUINOX    2000.0

         PAT_THR    -189                                       general low energy threshold [adu]
         HDUVERS    1.0.0                                      version of format
         HDUCLAS1   "EVENTS"            
         SASSHIST   "DATE:MMM mm hh:mm:ss YYYY HOST: hostname TASK:evprep vx.xx"                     

         LONGSTR    'OGIP 1.0'                                to support multi-line COMMENT or HISTORY records
Selection keywords:

         FLAGSEL                                              event flag selection mask (written as decimal number; corresponding hex 
                                                              value is placed in comment of keyword)
         PAT_SEL                                              pattern selection mask (e.g. 1: singles, 3: singles+doubles, 
                                                                  7: singles, doubles & triples)     
         GTI_SEL  "GTI", "FLAREGTI", or "NONE"                documents which type of GTI were applied to the data, i.e., events outside
                                                              of the given GTI type were removed from the event file

         NENERGY                                              number of energy bands selected with task `EVTOOL
         EMIN1                                                [keV] start of energy band one
         EMAX1                                                [keV] end of energy band one
         EMINn                                                [keV] start energy band n (n: NENERGY)
         EMAXn                                                [keV] end of energy band n
WCS keywords (i and j are the column numbers of the X and Y columns):

         TTYPEi      'X       '
         TCTYPi      'RA---SIN'                               WCS Coord. type: RA tangent plane projection
         TCUNIi      'deg'                                    WCS  physical unit of X axis C
         TCRPXi                                               WCS axis reference pixel
         TCRVLi                                               [deg] WCS coord. at X axis ref. pixel
         TCDLTi                                               [deg/pix] WCS X increment at ref. pixel

         TLMINi                                               Minimum for X
         TLMAXi                                               Maximum for X

         TTYPEj      'Y       '
         TCTYPj      'DEC--SIN'                               WCS Coord. type: DEC tangent plane projection
         TCUNIj      'deg'                                    WCS  physical unit of Y axis 
         TCRPXj                                               WCS axis reference pixel
         TCRVLj                                               [deg] WCS coord. at Y axis ref. pixel
         TCDLTj                                               [deg/pix] WCS Y increment at ref. pixel

         TLMINj                                               Minimum for Y
         TLMAXj                                               Maximum for Y