eROSITA FITS source catalogue format

The purpose of this page is to describe the column layout of eROSITA FITS source catalogues as they are generated by the eROSITA Science Analysis Software System (eSASS). The released catalogues may differ slightly from this layout and may not contain some columns as well as additional columns, which are described here.

On this page

1 ERMLDET source detection catalogues

The ERMLDET source lists contain one row per energy band and per telescope for each source in addition to columns containing summed up results.

         ID_SRC           I*4                      Source number  
         BOX_ID_SRC       I*4                      Source number from ERBOX input source list

         ID_INST          I*4                      Telescope number [1…7: per telescope,
                                                        8…9: groups of telescopes
                                                        0: total]
         ID_BAND          I*4                      Band number [1…n: band specific results,
                                                   0: total]
         ID_CLUSTER       I*4

         ML_CTS           R*4   [counts]           Source counts                   
         ML_CTS_ERR       R*4   [counts]           1 sigma error                   
         ML_CTS_LOWERR    R*4   [counts]           1 sigma lower error
         ML_CTS_UPERR     R*4   [counts]           1 sigma upper error

         X_IMA            R*4   [pixels]           Image pixel coordinate
         X_IMA_ERR        R*4   [pixels]           ERMLDET error in X direction
         X_IMA_LOWERR     R*4   [pixels]           ERMLDET lower error in X direction
         X_IMA_UPERR      R*4   [pixels]           ERMLDET upper error in X direction
         Y_IMA            R*4   [pixels]           Image pixel coordinate   
         Y_IMA_ERR        R*4   [pixels]           ERMLDET error in Y direction
         Y_IMA_LOWERR     R*4   [pixels]           ERMLDET lower error in Y direction
         Y_IMA_UPERR      R*4   [pixels]           ERMLDET upper error in Y direction

         EXT              R*4   [arcsec]           Source extent 
         EXT_ERR          R*4   [arcsec]           1 sigma error  
         EXT_LOWERR       R*4   [arcsec]           1 sigma lower error  
         EXT_UPERR        R*4   [arcsec]           1 sigma upper error  

         DET_LIKE         R*4                      Detection likelihood 1
         EXT_LIKE         R*4                      Extent likelihood 1

         ML_BKG           R*4   [counts/arcmin^2]  Background at source location  
         ML_EXP           R*4   [sec]              Vignetting corrected exposure at source location 
         ML_FLUX          R*4   [erg cm^2/s]       Source flux
         ML_FLUX_ERR      R*4   [erg cm^2/s]       1 sigma error
         ML_FLUX_LOWERR   R*4   [erg cm^2/s]       1 sigma lower error
         ML_FLUX_UPERR    R*4   [erg cm^2/s]       1 sigma upper error
         ML_RATE          R*4   [counts/sec]       Vignetting corrected count rate      
         ML_RATE_ERR      R*4   [counts/sec]       1 sigma error                        
         ML_RATE_LOWERR   R*4   [counts/sec]       1 sigma lower error
         ML_RATE_UPERR    R*4   [counts/sec]       1 sigma upper error

         RA               R*8   [deg]              Right ascension
         RA_LOWERR        R*4   [arcsec]           Right ascension lower error
         RA_UPERR         R*4   [arcsec]           Right ascension upper error
         DEC              R*8   [deg]              Declination
         DEC_LOWERR       R*4   [arcsec]           Declination lower error
         DEC_UPERR        R*4   [arcsec]           Declination upper error
         RADEC_ERR        R*4   [arcsec]           Combined ERMDLET error

         LII              R*8   [deg]              Galactic longitude
         BII              R*8   [deg]              Galactic latitutde

         ML_RADIUS        R*4   [arcsec]           ERMLDET source cut-out radius
         MASKFRAC         R*4                      Fraction of extraction area within detection mask
         ML_EFF           R*4                      Fraction of PSF inside cut-out radius

         DIST_NN          R*4   [arcsec]           Distance to nearest neighbor 
         OWNER            I*1                      IKI/MPE sky ownership, 0: source is in MPE half of shared area, 2: source belongs to MPE

1 expressed as -ln(p) where p is the probability of the detection/the extent being due to Poissonian background fluctuations

Only for pointings in single-camera detection mode (NULL otherwise)

         RAWX             I*4   [pixels]           Mean detector pixel position of source center 
         RAWY             I*4   [pixels]           Mean detector pixel position of source center

Only for pointings (NULL otherwise)

         OFFAX            R*4   [arcmin]           Off-axis angle of source
         VIGNET           R*4                      Mean Vignetting factor at source position
         ONTIME           R*4   [s]

Only for single-camera detection mode (NULL otherwise)

         TM_NR            I*1                      Telescope modul number

Hardness ratios (only for different energy bands, empty otherwise)

         HRn              R*4                      Hardness ratio between energy band n and n+1
         HRn_ERR          R*4                      Hardness ratio error

max. 3 hardness ratios

Aperture photometry information (written by task APETOOL, NULL otherwise):

         APE_CTS          I*4   [counts]           Counts in aperture  
         APE_BKG          R*4   [counts]           Background in aperture
         APE_EXP          R*4   [s]                Mean exposure in aperture
         APE_EEF          R*4                      Fraction of PSF in aperture 
         APE_RADIUS       R*4   [pixels]           Aperture radius
         APE_POIS         R*4                      Poissonian probability of APE_CTS, given APE_BKG

2 CATPREP final source catalogues

The final source catalogues provide the information in the ERMLDET source lists as well as supplementary information created by the task CATPREP and APETOOL (if it has run) in a one line per source layout.
The columns are grouped into different sections for better legibility. The eSASS tasks creating the information in each section are marked in brackets.

Source IDs and spatial information (ERMLDET, CATPREP):

         ID_SRC           I*4                      Source ID from ERMLDET run
         ID_CLUSTER       I*4                      Cluster ID from ERMLDET run
                                                   (objects which fit simultaneously have same cluster ID)
         detUID           C*32                     Unique detection ID. 
                                                     First 16 characters: same as final data products file name
                                                     Next 7 character:    two caracter code of detection algorithm, followed by five digit 
                                                                          source number (ID_SRC from detection source list)
                                                     Last 9 characters:   dataset version and processing configuration as in final 
                                                                          prodcuts file name
                                                     Example:             em00_700001_001_ML00001_001_c010 (single eRASS, MPE owner)

         OWNER            I*1                      IKI/MPE sky ownership, 0: source is in MPE half of shared area, 2: source belongs to MPE

         RA               R*8   [deg]              Right ascension
         RA_LOWERR        R*4   [arcsec]           Right ascension lower error
         RA_UPERR         R*4   [arcsec]           Right ascension upper error
         DEC              R*8   [deg]              Declination
         DEC_LOWERR       R*4   [arcsec]           Declination lower error
         DEC_UPERR        R*4   [arcsec]           Declination upper error
         RADEC_ERR        R*4   [sec]              Combined ERMLDET positional error

         LII              R*8   [deg]              Galactic longitude
         BII              R*8   [deg]              Galactic latitude

         DIST_NN          R*4   [arcsec]           Distance to nearest neighbor
         SRCDENS          R*4   [deg^-2]           Local source density 

         EXT              R*4   [arcsec]           Source extent 
         EXT_ERR          R*4   [arcsec]           1 sigma error  
         EXT_LOWERR       R*4   [arcsec]           1 sigma lower error  
         EXT_UPERR        R*4   [arcsec]           1 sigma upper error  
         EXT_LIKE         R*4   [arcsec]           Extent likelihood

         ML_RADIUS        R*4   [arcsec]           ERMLDET source cut-out radius            
         MASKFRAC         R*4                      Fraction of extraction area within detection mask

Time range of observation (CATPREP):

         TSTART           R*8   [s]                Start of observing interval (s/c clock) 
         TSTOP            R*8   [s]                Stop of observing interval 

Hardness ratios (ERMLDET, only for different energy bands, empty otherwise):

         HR_n             R*4                      Hardness ratio between energy band n and n+1
         HR_n_ERR         R*4                      Hardness ratio error

with n = number of hardness ratios, maximum 3

Energy band specific information (CATPREP):

         ML_CTS_n         R*4   [counts]           ERMLDET source counts in energy band 
         ML_CTS_ERR_n     R*4   [counts]           Source count error                    
         ML_CTS_LOWERR_n  R*4   [counts]           Source count lower error
         ML_CTS_UPERR_n   R*4   [counts]           Source count upper error
         ML_RATE_n        R*4   [counts/s]         ERMLDET source count rate in energy band
         ML_RATE_ERR_n    R*4   [counts/s]         Source count rate error
         ML_RATE_LOWERR_n R*4   [counts/s]         Source count rate lower error
         ML_RATE_UPERR_n  R*4   [counts/s]         Source count rate upper error
         ML_FLUX_n        R*4   [erg/cm^2 s]       Source flux derived from ML_RATE, given an energy conversion factor 
         ML_FLUX_ERR_n    R*4   [erg/cm^2 s]       Source flux error
         ML_FLUX_LOWERR_n R*4   [erg/cm^2 s]       Source flux lower error
         ML_FLUX_UPERR_n  R*4   [erg/cm^2 s]       Source flux lower error
         DET_LIKE_n       R*4                      Likelihood of detection in energy band
         ML_BKG_n         R*4   [counts/arcmin^2]  Mean background in ERMLDET source extraction area 

         ML_EXP_m         R*4   [sec]              Mean exposure in ERMLDET source extraction area   
         ML_EEF_m         R*4   [arcsec]           Fraction of PSF in ERMLDET source cut-out radius  
         VIGNET_m         R*4   [arcsec]           Vignetting factor at source position

with n = 0...number of energy bands, 0 referring to the total band, and m = 1...number of energy bands, for each energy band

Aperture photometry information (APETOOL):

         APE_CTS_m        R*4   [counts]           Counts in aperture  
         APE_BKG_m        R*4   [counts]           Background in aperture
         APE_EXP_m        R*4   [s]                Mean exposure in aperture
         APE_EEF_m        R*4                      Fraction of PSF in aperture 
         APE_RADIUS_m     R*4   [arcsec]           Aperture radius
         APE_POIS_m       R*4                      Poissonian probability of APE_CTS, given APE_BKG

with m = 1...number of energy bands, for each energy band