Welcome to the eROSITA-DE data archive for Data Release 1 (DR1). This site allows the user to view the eROSITA-DE sky, search the source catalogue and download associated data.
Viewing the X-ray sky
The eROSITA-DE sky and the grid of sky tiles can be seen using the Sky view. The eROSITA sky is arranged into a number of overlapping sky tiles, around 3.6°×3.6° in size. These tiles are numbered according to their right-ascension (RRR) and declination (DDD) following the scheme RRRDDD. Using the all sky view, the user can click on a sky tile to get a link to the map in question and its data products, or add its data to the download basket. In addition, the user can switch between the various eROSITA maps, or search for sources near the current position.
To find the sky tiles close to a location, use the Sky tile search page. Note that for each sky tile there is a canonical RA and Dec range, although a position may be found in the data of multiple tiles. If you have a list of multiple sources, you can upload it and find the corresponding sky tiles on the Skytile search for multiple positions page.
Finding sources
eROSITA sources close to a position can be found with the Catalogue search page. For eROSITA-DR1 there are three primary X-ray catalogues: the main catalogue, the hard band catalogue and the supplementary catalogue. By clicking on a source, the user can see it in detail, with a comparison with the same region in other surveys, or see the source properties in detail. A link to individual source products can be found, or the products can be added to the download basket. Source products consist of a tar.xz file containing the files listed here.
Downloading data
The files from the archive can be downloaded directly from the Download area, or following the links from sky tiles or data products. In the archive, the products are arranged in directories named by the sky tile declination number (DDD), with subdirectories of the right-ascension number (RRR). Inside those are the results for different analysis chains (EXP, DET, SOU and UPP). EXP contains the main event file and images in each band. DET contains the exposure maps in each band and source detection products. SOU contains the source products. The upper limit products are inside UPP. Please note that source products are only generated for the higher signal to noise sources. On the main DR1 site please find information about the products available and an explanation of the naming convention.
Alternatively, products can be added to the Basket. When the user is ready, a Unix shell script can be generated to download the products. Alternatively, the combined products in the basket can be downloaded as a single tar file.
Finding upper limits
Upper limits can be obtained for single source positions and for multiple positions listed in an uploaded file. Interested users should read the upper limit documentation to interpret the returned results.
Changes to archive
- 2025-01-07: Bug fixed in Simple Cone Search API when null columns were present.
- 2024-11-11: Add API to get skytiles for position.
- 2024-10-14: Dropped Aladin Lite 3 support due to incompatibility.
- 2024-04-29: Around 17k source products (out of ˜200k from the Main catalogue) were added to the archive, which were excluded by accident. If you previously mirrored the source products using the mirroring script before 2024-04-29, please rerun it again to get the new products.
- 2024-03-21: Added cluster catalogue to sky view and catalogue search.
- 2024-02-23: Spectra in source products were modified to fix RESPFILE, ANCRFILE and BACKFILE keywords, as they previously they pointed to files which did not exist. Source products were also added for the 106150 and 017150 skytiles, which were excluded by accident. If you previously mirrored the source products using the mirroring script before 2024-02-23, please rerun it again to get the new product versions (dated 2024-02-22 and 2024-02-23).