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eSASS task: evtool



This document provides a description of the algorithm and instructions for the correct usage of the EVTOOL task, which is part of eSASS (the eROSITA Science Analysis Software System).


The task EVTOOL provides three capabilities:
  1. Merging several event lists. All canonical extensions are merged, but images in the inputs are not merged.

    In general, any set of eSASS event lists can be merged, but the output will be inconsistent (and the task will issue a warning) if the input lists have inconsistent filter settings from previous applications of EVTOOL parameters emin, emax, gti, flag, pattern, rawxy. A variety of header keywords are also tested for consistency.

    Note that image extensions are not merged - an image of the combined output event list must be remade from scratch, via the appropriate parameters.

    If the input lists have been projected to different sine planes (as determined from the WCS keywords corresponding the projected-coordinate columns X and Y), all events of the merged list will be reprojected to the plane of the first input list.

  2. Filtering the events on a subset of the columns. Filter modes available are:
    • FLAG column (via bit mask, either exclusive or inclusive).
    • PAT_TYP column (effectively via bit mask).
    • TM_NR column (via a list of desired numbers).
    • PI column (via a list of energy bounds).
    • TIME column (via a GTI specification).
    • RA, DEC columns (via a region specification).
    • RAWX, RAWY columns (via range specifications).
  3. Creation of FITS images. The pixel sizes on the sky, the image dimensions in pixels, and the image centre location, are all specifiable. Some auto-sizing options are also available. To save space, most of the extensions in the input event list(s) are optionally discardable when image output is selected.
The input eROSITA event FITS file is expected to include the following extension types: EVENTS, GTI, BADPIX, CORRATT, and DEADCOR. In addition EVTOOL can handle the following extension types in the file as well: FLAREGTI and HK. NOTE: in merging the individual files, columns which were not produced/specified in the eROSITA manual will be ignored.

Input Parameters

Known Issues:


The task merges the input event lists before applying the filtering criteria. In the merging of EVENTS tables, single examples only are retained of any multiple events having the same TIME, TM_NR, RAWX, RAWY, and PHA. (Note that this in effect is a logical OR.) Input GTI tables are merged via a logical OR. For HK-type tables, rows having the same RecordTime are reduced to a single example. For all other binary-table extensions, all columns are considered when discarding copies.

Warnings are issued if essential keywords (e.g., those that record the filter operations that have been applied to the inputs) vary across the inputs. Keywords for the output are in general taken from the first input file.

Projection of event sky locations is performed during the pipeline by task RADEC2XY. Since different members of the input event lists may have been projected to different tangent directions (defined via the TCRVLn and TCRVLm keywords, where n and m respectively are the column numbers of the X and Y columns), EVTOOL re-projects (i.e., recalculates all the X and Y values) to the direction read from the EVENTS header of the first input file.