Data Model: eROPub140_Table3_XRayParameters_Magaudda

General Description
This table contains the basic X-ray parameters of the LG11-Gaia/eFEDS and LG11-Gaia/eRASS1 samples. The data are from our own eFEDS X-ray source catalog and from the official eRASS1 catalog v201008, and they refer to the 0.2-5.0 keV band.
Naming Convention
This file corresponds to Table 3 in the eROPub140 splash paper: First eROSITA study of nearby M dwarfs and the rotation-activity relation in combination with TESS (Magaudda+ 2021).
Filename: eROPub140_Table3_XRayParameters_Magaudda.fits
Approximate Size
67 KB
File Type
Generated by Product
eSASS (software used to generate the date product, add links)


Content of the page.


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HDU Type
HDU Size
1 KB
Header Table Caption for HDU0

HDU1: Joined

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HDU Type
HDU Size
53 KB
Header Table Caption for HDU1
Binary Table Caption for HDU1
LG11_Name char[16] None Lépine & Gaidos (2011) Name
RA_CORR float64 [deg] Corrected X-ray right ascension
DEC_CORR float64 [deg] Corrected X-ray declination
RADEC_ERR float64 [arcsec] Uncertainty on the corrected X-ray coordinates
Sep_X,opt float64 [arcsec] Separation between the proper motion corrected optical positions and the X-ray positions
RATE_0 float64 [cnts/s] Count Rate in 0.2-5.0 keV
RATE_ERR_0 float64 [cnts/s] Count Rate uncertainty in 0.2-5.0 keV
DET_ML_0 float64 None Detection Likelihood in 0.2-5.0 keV
eROSITA Survey char[6] None The eROSITA Survey where the star has been detected


1/ Lépine & Gaidos 2011

Lépine & Gaidos 2011. An All-sky Catalog of Bright M Dwarfs (Vizier catalog: J/AJ/142/138)

2/ eROSITA Telescope

Predehl et al. 2020. The eROSITA X-ray telescope on SRG


The eROSITA data model structure for catalogues was branched from the SDSS data model for value added catalogues.