The eFEDS X-ray catalogs

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Following sections

The eFEDS main catalog and supplementary catalog

X-ray sources detected in the 0.2-2.3 keV band using eSASS adopting a detection likelihood threshold of 5. The sources with detection likelihood >6 are selected as the main eFEDS catalog (27910 sources), and the less reliable ones with likelihood <6 are stored in a supplementary catalog (4774 sources).

The eFEDS main catalog and supplementary catalog (single-band detection)
Name char[22] Source name
ID_SRC int32 Source ID
ID_hard int32 Source ID in the eFEDS hard-band selected catalog
RA float64 deg Uncorrected RA (ICRS)
DEC float64 deg Uncorrected Dec (ICRS)
RADEC_ERR float32 arcsec Combined positional uncertainty, uncorrected
RA_CORR float64[1] deg Corrected RA (ICRS)
DEC_CORR float64[1] deg Corrected Dec (ICRS)
RADEC_ERR_CORR float64[1] arcsec Combined positional uncertainty, corrected
EXT float32 arcsec Source extent
EXT_ERR float32 arcsec Extent error
EXT_LIKE float32 Extent likelihood
DET_LIKE float32 Detection likelihood measured by PSF-fitting
ML_RATE float32 counts/s Source count rate measured by PSF-fitting
ML_RATE_ERR float32 counts/s 1 sigma count rate error
ML_CTS float32 counts Source net counts measured from count rate
ML_CTS_ERR float32 counts 1 sigma counts error
ML_FLUX float32 erg/cm^2/s Source flux converted from count rate
ML_FLUX_ERR float32 erg/cm^2/s 1 sigma flux error
ML_EXP float32 seconds Vignetted exposure value
ML_BKG float32 counts/arcmin^2 Background at the source position
inArea90 bool[1] Whether in the 0.2-2.3keV exp>500s region, which comprises 90% area
DET_LIKE_b1 float64[1] Detection likelihood measured by forced PSF-fitting; 0.2-0.5 keV
DET_LIKE_b2 float64[1] Detection likelihood measured by forced PSF-fitting; 0.5-1 keV
DET_LIKE_b3 float64[1] Detection likelihood measured by forced PSF-fitting; 1-2 keV
DET_LIKE_b4 float64[1] Detection likelihood measured by forced PSF-fitting; 2-4.5 keV
DET_LIKE_s float64[1] Detection likelihood measured by forced PSF-fitting; 0.5-2 keV
DET_LIKE_h float64[1] Detection likelihood measured by forced PSF-fitting; 2.3-5 keV
DET_LIKE_u float64[1] Detection likelihood measured by forced PSF-fitting; 5-8 keV
ML_RATE_b1 float64[1] counts/s Source count rate measured by forced PSF-fitting; .2-.5keV
ML_RATE_b2 float64[1] counts/s Source count rate measured by forced PSF-fitting; 0.5-1keV
ML_RATE_b3 float64[1] counts/s Source count rate measured by forced PSF-fitting; 1-2 keV
ML_RATE_b4 float64[1] counts/s Source count rate measured by forced PSF-fitting; 2-4.5keV
ML_RATE_s float64[1] counts/s Source count rate measured by forced PSF-fitting; 0.5-2keV
ML_RATE_h float64[1] counts/s Source count rate measured by forced PSF-fitting; 2.3-5keV
ML_RATE_u float64[1] counts/s Source count rate measured by forced PSF-fitting; 5-8 keV
ML_RATE_ERR_b1 float64[1] counts/s 1 sigma count rate error; 0.2-0.5 keV
ML_RATE_ERR_b2 float64[1] counts/s 1 sigma count rate error; 0.5-1 keV
ML_RATE_ERR_b3 float64[1] counts/s 1 sigma count rate error; 1-2 keV
ML_RATE_ERR_b4 float64[1] counts/s 1 sigma count rate error; 2-4.5 keV
ML_RATE_ERR_s float64[1] counts/s 1 sigma count rate error; 0.5-2 keV
ML_RATE_ERR_h float64[1] counts/s 1 sigma count rate error; 2.3-5 keV
ML_RATE_ERR_u float64[1] counts/s 1 sigma count rate error; 5-8 keV
ML_RATE_LOWERR_b1 float64[1] counts/s 1 sigma lower error of count rate;0.2-0.5 keV
ML_RATE_LOWERR_b2 float64[1] counts/s 1 sigma lower error of count rate;0.5-1 keV
ML_RATE_LOWERR_b3 float64[1] counts/s 1 sigma lower error of count rate;1-2 keV
ML_RATE_LOWERR_b4 float64[1] counts/s 1 sigma lower error of count rate;2-4.5 keV
ML_RATE_LOWERR_s float64[1] counts/s 1 sigma lower error of count rate;0.5-2 keV
ML_RATE_LOWERR_h float64[1] counts/s 1 sigma lower error of count rate;2.3-5 keV
ML_RATE_LOWERR_u float64[1] counts/s 1 sigma lower error of count rate;5-8 keV
ML_RATE_UPERR_b1 float64[1] counts/s 1 sigma upper error of count rate;0.2-0.5 keV
ML_RATE_UPERR_b2 float64[1] counts/s 1 sigma upper error of count rate;0.5-1 keV
ML_RATE_UPERR_b3 float64[1] counts/s 1 sigma upper error of count rate;1-2 keV
ML_RATE_UPERR_b4 float64[1] counts/s 1 sigma upper error of count rate;2-4.5 keV
ML_RATE_UPERR_s float64[1] counts/s 1 sigma upper error of count rate;0.5-2 keV
ML_RATE_UPERR_h float64[1] counts/s 1 sigma upper error of count rate;2.3-5 keV
ML_RATE_UPERR_u float64[1] counts/s 1 sigma upper error of count rate;5-8 keV
ML_CTS_b1 float64[1] counts Source net counts measured from count rate; 0.2-0.5 keV
ML_CTS_b2 float64[1] counts Source net counts measured from count rate; 0.5-1 keV
ML_CTS_b3 float64[1] counts Source net counts measured from count rate; 1-2 keV
ML_CTS_b4 float64[1] counts Source net counts measured from count rate; 2-4.5 keV
ML_CTS_s float64[1] counts Source net counts measured from count rate; 0.5-2 keV
ML_CTS_h float64[1] counts Source net counts measured from count rate; 2.3-5 keV
ML_CTS_u float64[1] counts Source net counts measured from count rate; 5-8 keV
ML_CTS_ERR_b1 float64[1] counts 1 sigma counts error; 0.2-0.5 keV
ML_CTS_ERR_b2 float64[1] counts 1 sigma counts error; 0.5-1 keV
ML_CTS_ERR_b3 float64[1] counts 1 sigma counts error; 1-2 keV
ML_CTS_ERR_b4 float64[1] counts 1 sigma counts error; 2-4.5 keV
ML_CTS_ERR_s float64[1] counts 1 sigma counts error; 0.5-2 keV
ML_CTS_ERR_h float64[1] counts 1 sigma counts error; 2.3-5 keV
ML_CTS_ERR_u float64[1] counts 1 sigma counts error; 5-8 keV
ML_CTS_LOWERR_b1 float64[1] counts 1 sigma lower error of counts;0.2-0.5 keV
ML_CTS_LOWERR_b2 float64[1] counts 1 sigma lower error of counts;0.5-1 keV
ML_CTS_LOWERR_b3 float64[1] counts 1 sigma lower error of counts;1-2 keV
ML_CTS_LOWERR_b4 float64[1] counts 1 sigma lower error of counts;2-4.5 keV
ML_CTS_LOWERR_s float64[1] counts 1 sigma lower error of counts;0.5-2 keV
ML_CTS_LOWERR_h float64[1] counts 1 sigma lower error of counts;2.3-5 keV
ML_CTS_LOWERR_u float64[1] counts 1 sigma lower error of counts;5-8 keV
ML_CTS_UPERR_b1 float64[1] counts 1 sigma upper error of counts;0.2-0.5 keV
ML_CTS_UPERR_b2 float64[1] counts 1 sigma upper error of counts;0.5-1 keV
ML_CTS_UPERR_b3 float64[1] counts 1 sigma upper error of counts;1-2 keV
ML_CTS_UPERR_b4 float64[1] counts 1 sigma upper error of counts;2-4.5 keV
ML_CTS_UPERR_s float64[1] counts 1 sigma upper error of counts;0.5-2 keV
ML_CTS_UPERR_h float64[1] counts 1 sigma upper error of counts;2.3-5 keV
ML_CTS_UPERR_u float64[1] counts 1 sigma upper error of counts;5-8 keV
ML_FLUX_b1 float64[1] erg/cm^2/s Source flux converted from count rate; 0.2-0.5 keV
ML_FLUX_b2 float64[1] erg/cm^2/s Source flux converted from count rate; 0.5-1 keV
ML_FLUX_b3 float64[1] erg/cm^2/s Source flux converted from count rate; 1-2 keV
ML_FLUX_b4 float64[1] erg/cm^2/s Source flux converted from count rate; 2-4.5 keV
ML_FLUX_s float64[1] erg/cm^2/s Source flux converted from count rate; 0.5-2 keV
ML_FLUX_h float64[1] erg/cm^2/s Source flux converted from count rate; 2.3-5 keV
ML_FLUX_u float64[1] erg/cm^2/s Source flux converted from count rate; 5-8 keV
ML_FLUX_ERR_b1 float64[1] erg/cm^2/s 1 sigma flux error; 0.2-0.5 keV
ML_FLUX_ERR_b2 float64[1] erg/cm^2/s 1 sigma flux error; 0.5-1 keV
ML_FLUX_ERR_b3 float64[1] erg/cm^2/s 1 sigma flux error; 1-2 keV
ML_FLUX_ERR_b4 float64[1] erg/cm^2/s 1 sigma flux error; 2-4.5 keV
ML_FLUX_ERR_s float64[1] erg/cm^2/s 1 sigma flux error; 0.5-2 keV
ML_FLUX_ERR_h float64[1] erg/cm^2/s 1 sigma flux error; 2.3-5 keV
ML_FLUX_ERR_u float64[1] erg/cm^2/s 1 sigma flux error; 5-8 keV
ML_FLUX_LOWERR_b1 float64[1] erg/cm^2/s 1 sigma lower error of flux;0.2-0.5 keV
ML_FLUX_LOWERR_b2 float64[1] erg/cm^2/s 1 sigma lower error of flux;0.5-1 keV
ML_FLUX_LOWERR_b3 float64[1] erg/cm^2/s 1 sigma lower error of flux;1-2 keV
ML_FLUX_LOWERR_b4 float64[1] erg/cm^2/s 1 sigma lower error of flux;2-4.5 keV
ML_FLUX_LOWERR_s float64[1] erg/cm^2/s 1 sigma lower error of flux;0.5-2 keV
ML_FLUX_LOWERR_h float64[1] erg/cm^2/s 1 sigma lower error of flux;2.3-5 keV
ML_FLUX_LOWERR_u float64[1] erg/cm^2/s 1 sigma lower error of flux;5-8 keV
ML_FLUX_UPERR_b1 float64[1] erg/cm^2/s 1 sigma upper error of flux;0.2-0.5 keV
ML_FLUX_UPERR_b2 float64[1] erg/cm^2/s 1 sigma upper error of flux;0.5-1 keV
ML_FLUX_UPERR_b3 float64[1] erg/cm^2/s 1 sigma upper error of flux;1-2 keV
ML_FLUX_UPERR_b4 float64[1] erg/cm^2/s 1 sigma upper error of flux;2-4.5 keV
ML_FLUX_UPERR_s float64[1] erg/cm^2/s 1 sigma upper error of flux;0.5-2 keV
ML_FLUX_UPERR_h float64[1] erg/cm^2/s 1 sigma upper error of flux;2.3-5 keV
ML_FLUX_UPERR_u float64[1] erg/cm^2/s 1 sigma upper error of flux;5-8 keV
ML_EXP_b1 float64[1] seconds Vignetted exposure value; 0.2-0.5 keV
ML_EXP_b2 float64[1] seconds Vignetted exposure value; 0.5-1 keV
ML_EXP_b3 float64[1] seconds Vignetted exposure value; 1-2 keV
ML_EXP_b4 float64[1] seconds Vignetted exposure value; 2-4.5 keV
ML_EXP_s float64[1] seconds Vignetted exposure value; 0.5-2 keV
ML_EXP_h float64[1] seconds Vignetted exposure value; 2.3-5 keV
ML_EXP_u float64[1] seconds Vignetted exposure value; 5-8 keV
ML_BKG_b1 float64[1] counts/arcmin^2 Background at the source position; 0.2-0.5 keV
ML_BKG_b2 float64[1] counts/arcmin^2 Background at the source position; 0.5-1 keV
ML_BKG_b3 float64[1] counts/arcmin^2 Background at the source position; 1-2 keV
ML_BKG_b4 float64[1] counts/arcmin^2 Background at the source position; 2-4.5 keV
ML_BKG_s float64[1] counts/arcmin^2 Background at the source position; 0.5-2 keV
ML_BKG_h float64[1] counts/arcmin^2 Background at the source position; 2.3-5 keV
ML_BKG_u float64[1] counts/arcmin^2 Background at the source position; 5-8 keV
APE_CTS_b1 int32[1] counts Total counts extracted within the aperture; 0.2-0.5 keV
APE_CTS_b2 int32[1] counts Total counts extracted within the aperture; 0.5-1 keV
APE_CTS_b3 int32[1] counts Total counts extracted within the aperture; 1-2 keV
APE_CTS_b4 int32[1] counts Total counts extracted within the aperture; 2-4.5 keV
APE_CTS_s int32[1] counts Total counts extracted within the aperture; 0.5-2 keV
APE_CTS_h int32[1] counts Total counts extracted within the aperture; 2.3-5 keV
APE_CTS_u int32[1] counts Total counts extracted within the aperture; 5-8 keV
APE_EXP_b1 float64[1] seconds Vignetted exposure value; 0.2-0.5 keV
APE_EXP_b2 float64[1] seconds Vignetted exposure value; 0.5-1 keV
APE_EXP_b3 float64[1] seconds Vignetted exposure value; 1-2 keV
APE_EXP_b4 float64[1] seconds Vignetted exposure value; 2-4.5 keV
APE_EXP_s float64[1] seconds Vignetted exposure value; 0.5-2 keV
APE_EXP_h float64[1] seconds Vignetted exposure value; 2.3-5 keV
APE_EXP_u float64[1] seconds Vignetted exposure value; 5-8 keV
APE_BKG_b1 float64[1] counts Background counts in the aperture excluding nearby sources; .2-.5keV
APE_BKG_b2 float64[1] counts Background counts in the aperture excluding nearby sources; 0.5-1keV
APE_BKG_b3 float64[1] counts Background counts in the aperture excluding nearby sources; 1-2 keV
APE_BKG_b4 float64[1] counts Background counts in the aperture excluding nearby sources; 2-4.5keV
APE_BKG_s float64[1] counts Background counts in the aperture excluding nearby sources; 0.5-2keV
APE_BKG_h float64[1] counts Background counts in the aperture excluding nearby sources; 2.3-5keV
APE_BKG_u float64[1] counts Background counts in the aperture excluding nearby sources; 5-8 keV
APE_RADIUS_b1 float64[1] pixels Aperture radius; 0.2-0.5 keV
APE_RADIUS_b2 float64[1] pixels Aperture radius; 0.5-1 keV
APE_RADIUS_b3 float64[1] pixels Aperture radius; 1-2 keV
APE_RADIUS_b4 float64[1] pixels Aperture radius; 2-4.5 keV
APE_RADIUS_s float64[1] pixels Aperture radius; 0.5-2 keV
APE_RADIUS_h float64[1] pixels Aperture radius; 2.3-5 keV
APE_RADIUS_u float64[1] pixels Aperture radius; 5-8 keV
APE_POIS_b1 float64[1] Poisson probability of being background fluctuation; 0.2-0.5 keV
APE_POIS_b2 float64[1] Poisson probability of being background fluctuation; 0.5-1 keV
APE_POIS_b3 float64[1] Poisson probability of being background fluctuation; 1-2 keV
APE_POIS_b4 float64[1] Poisson probability of being background fluctuation; 2-4.5 keV
APE_POIS_s float64[1] Poisson probability of being background fluctuation; 0.5-2 keV
APE_POIS_h float64[1] Poisson probability of being background fluctuation; 2.3-5 keV
APE_POIS_u float64[1] Poisson probability of being background fluctuation; 5-8 keV

The eFEDS hard-band selected catalog

Based on sources detection in three bands (1: 0.2-0.6; 2: 0.6-2.3; 3: 2.3-5 keV) using eSASS adopting a detection likelihood threshold of 5, we select the sources with a 2.3-5 keV band detection likelihood >=10 and an extent likelihood =0 as the hard eFEDS catalog (246 sources).

The eFEDS hard-band selected catalog
Name char[22] Source name
ID_SRC int32 Source ID
ID_main int32[1] Source ID in the single-band detected, eFEDS main catalog
RA float64 deg Uncorrected RA (ICRS)
DEC float64 deg Uncorrected Dec (ICRS)
RADEC_ERR float32 arcsec Combined positional uncertainty, uncorrected
RA_CORR float64[1] deg Corrected RA (ICRS)
DEC_CORR float64[1] deg Corrected Dec (ICRS)
RADEC_ERR_CORR float64[1] arcsec Combined positional uncertainty, corrected
EXT float32 arcsec Source extent
EXT_ERR float32 arcsec Extent error
EXT_LIKE float32 Extent likelihood
DET_LIKE_0 float32 Detection likelihood measured by PSF-fitting
ML_RATE_0 float32 counts/s Source count rate
ML_RATE_ERR_0 float32 counts/s 1 sigma count rate error
ML_CTS_0 float32 counts Source net counts, combining 3 bands
ML_CTS_ERR_0 float32 counts 1 sigma counts error
ML_FLUX_0 float32 erg/cm^2/s Source flux
ML_FLUX_ERR_0 float32 erg/cm^2/s 1 sigma flux error
ML_BKG_0 float32 counts/arcmin^2 Background at the source position
inArea90 bool[1] True if in the 0.2-2.3keV exp>500s region, which comprises 90% area
DET_LIKE_1 float32 Detection likelihood measured by PSF-fitting
DET_LIKE_2 float32 Detection likelihood measured by PSF-fitting
DET_LIKE_3 float32 Detection likelihood measured by PSF-fitting
ML_RATE_1 float32 counts/s Source count rate measured by PSF-fitting
ML_RATE_2 float32 counts/s Source count rate measured by PSF-fitting
ML_RATE_3 float32 counts/s Source count rate measured by PSF-fitting
ML_RATE_ERR_1 float32 counts/s 1 sigma count rate error
ML_RATE_ERR_2 float32 counts/s 1 sigma count rate error
ML_RATE_ERR_3 float32 counts/s 1 sigma count rate error
ML_CTS_1 float32 counts Source net counts measured from count rate
ML_CTS_2 float32 counts Source net counts measured from count rate
ML_CTS_3 float32 counts Source net counts measured from count rate
ML_CTS_ERR_1 float32 counts 1 sigma counts error
ML_CTS_ERR_2 float32 counts 1 sigma counts error
ML_CTS_ERR_3 float32 counts 1 sigma counts error
ML_FLUX_1 float32 erg/cm^2/s Source flux converted from count rate
ML_FLUX_2 float32 erg/cm^2/s Source flux converted from count rate
ML_FLUX_3 float32 erg/cm^2/s Source flux converted from count rate
ML_FLUX_ERR_1 float32 erg/cm^2/s 1 sigma flux error
ML_FLUX_ERR_2 float32 erg/cm^2/s 1 sigma flux error
ML_FLUX_ERR_3 float32 erg/cm^2/s 1 sigma flux error
ML_EXP_1 float32 seconds Vignetted exposure value
ML_EXP_2 float32 seconds Vignetted exposure value
ML_EXP_3 float32 seconds Vignetted exposure value
ML_BKG_1 float32 counts/arcmin^2 Background at the source position
ML_BKG_2 float32 counts/arcmin^2 Background at the source position
ML_BKG_3 float32 counts/arcmin^2 Background at the source position
DET_LIKE_b1 float64[1] Detection likelihood measured by forced PSF-fitting; 0.2-0.5 keV
DET_LIKE_b2 float64[1] Detection likelihood measured by forced PSF-fitting; 0.5-1 keV
DET_LIKE_b3 float64[1] Detection likelihood measured by forced PSF-fitting; 1-2 keV
DET_LIKE_b4 float64[1] Detection likelihood measured by forced PSF-fitting; 2-4.5 keV
DET_LIKE_s float64[1] Detection likelihood measured by forced PSF-fitting; 0.5-2 keV
DET_LIKE_h float64[1] Detection likelihood measured by forced PSF-fitting; 2.3-5 keV
DET_LIKE_u float64[1] Detection likelihood measured by forced PSF-fitting; 5-8 keV
ML_RATE_b1 float64[1] counts/s Source count rate measured by forced PSF-fitting;.2-.5keV
ML_RATE_b2 float64[1] counts/s Source count rate measured by forced PSF-fitting;0.5-1keV
ML_RATE_b3 float64[1] counts/s Source count rate measured by forced PSF-fitting; 1-2 keV
ML_RATE_b4 float64[1] counts/s Source count rate measured by forced PSF-fitting;2-4.5keV
ML_RATE_s float64[1] counts/s Source count rate measured by forced PSF-fitting;0.5-2keV
ML_RATE_h float64[1] counts/s Source count rate measured by forced PSF-fitting;2.3-5keV
ML_RATE_u float64[1] counts/s Source count rate measured by forced PSF-fitting; 5-8 keV
ML_RATE_ERR_b1 float64[1] counts/s 1 sigma count rate error; 0.2-0.5 keV
ML_RATE_ERR_b2 float64[1] counts/s 1 sigma count rate error; 0.5-1 keV
ML_RATE_ERR_b3 float64[1] counts/s 1 sigma count rate error; 1-2 keV
ML_RATE_ERR_b4 float64[1] counts/s 1 sigma count rate error; 2-4.5 keV
ML_RATE_ERR_s float64[1] counts/s 1 sigma count rate error; 0.5-2 keV
ML_RATE_ERR_h float64[1] counts/s 1 sigma count rate error; 2.3-5 keV
ML_RATE_ERR_u float64[1] counts/s 1 sigma count rate error; 5-8 keV
ML_RATE_LOWERR_b1 float64[1] counts/s 1 sigma lower error of count rate;0.2-0.5 keV
ML_RATE_LOWERR_b2 float64[1] counts/s 1 sigma lower error of count rate;0.5-1 keV
ML_RATE_LOWERR_b3 float64[1] counts/s 1 sigma lower error of count rate;1-2 keV
ML_RATE_LOWERR_b4 float64[1] counts/s 1 sigma lower error of count rate;2-4.5 keV
ML_RATE_LOWERR_s float64[1] counts/s 1 sigma lower error of count rate;0.5-2 keV
ML_RATE_LOWERR_h float64[1] counts/s 1 sigma lower error of count rate;2.3-5 keV
ML_RATE_LOWERR_u float64[1] counts/s 1 sigma lower error of count rate;5-8 keV
ML_RATE_UPERR_b1 float64[1] counts/s 1 sigma upper error of count rate;0.2-0.5 keV
ML_RATE_UPERR_b2 float64[1] counts/s 1 sigma upper error of count rate;0.5-1 keV
ML_RATE_UPERR_b3 float64[1] counts/s 1 sigma upper error of count rate;1-2 keV
ML_RATE_UPERR_b4 float64[1] counts/s 1 sigma upper error of count rate;2-4.5 keV
ML_RATE_UPERR_s float64[1] counts/s 1 sigma upper error of count rate;0.5-2 keV
ML_RATE_UPERR_h float64[1] counts/s 1 sigma upper error of count rate;2.3-5 keV
ML_RATE_UPERR_u float64[1] counts/s 1 sigma upper error of count rate;5-8 keV
ML_CTS_b1 float64[1] counts Source net counts measured from count rate; 0.2-0.5 keV
ML_CTS_b2 float64[1] counts Source net counts measured from count rate; 0.5-1 keV
ML_CTS_b3 float64[1] counts Source net counts measured from count rate; 1-2 keV
ML_CTS_b4 float64[1] counts Source net counts measured from count rate; 2-4.5 keV
ML_CTS_s float64[1] counts Source net counts measured from count rate; 0.5-2 keV
ML_CTS_h float64[1] counts Source net counts measured from count rate; 2.3-5 keV
ML_CTS_u float64[1] counts Source net counts measured from count rate; 5-8 keV
ML_CTS_ERR_b1 float64[1] counts 1 sigma counts error; 0.2-0.5 keV
ML_CTS_ERR_b2 float64[1] counts 1 sigma counts error; 0.5-1 keV
ML_CTS_ERR_b3 float64[1] counts 1 sigma counts error; 1-2 keV
ML_CTS_ERR_b4 float64[1] counts 1 sigma counts error; 2-4.5 keV
ML_CTS_ERR_s float64[1] counts 1 sigma counts error; 0.5-2 keV
ML_CTS_ERR_h float64[1] counts 1 sigma counts error; 2.3-5 keV
ML_CTS_ERR_u float64[1] counts 1 sigma counts error; 5-8 keV
ML_CTS_LOWERR_b1 float64[1] counts 1 sigma lower error of counts;0.2-0.5 keV
ML_CTS_LOWERR_b2 float64[1] counts 1 sigma lower error of counts;0.5-1 keV
ML_CTS_LOWERR_b3 float64[1] counts 1 sigma lower error of counts;1-2 keV
ML_CTS_LOWERR_b4 float64[1] counts 1 sigma lower error of counts;2-4.5 keV
ML_CTS_LOWERR_s float64[1] counts 1 sigma lower error of counts;0.5-2 keV
ML_CTS_LOWERR_h float64[1] counts 1 sigma lower error of counts;2.3-5 keV
ML_CTS_LOWERR_u float64[1] counts 1 sigma lower error of counts;5-8 keV
ML_CTS_UPERR_b1 float64[1] counts 1 sigma upper error of counts;0.2-0.5 keV
ML_CTS_UPERR_b2 float64[1] counts 1 sigma upper error of counts;0.5-1 keV
ML_CTS_UPERR_b3 float64[1] counts 1 sigma upper error of counts;1-2 keV
ML_CTS_UPERR_b4 float64[1] counts 1 sigma upper error of counts;2-4.5 keV
ML_CTS_UPERR_s float64[1] counts 1 sigma upper error of counts;0.5-2 keV
ML_CTS_UPERR_h float64[1] counts 1 sigma upper error of counts;2.3-5 keV
ML_CTS_UPERR_u float64[1] counts 1 sigma upper error of counts;5-8 keV
ML_FLUX_b1 float64[1] erg/cm^2/s Source flux converted from count rate; 0.2-0.5 keV
ML_FLUX_b2 float64[1] erg/cm^2/s Source flux converted from count rate; 0.5-1 keV
ML_FLUX_b3 float64[1] erg/cm^2/s Source flux converted from count rate; 1-2 keV
ML_FLUX_b4 float64[1] erg/cm^2/s Source flux converted from count rate; 2-4.5 keV
ML_FLUX_s float64[1] erg/cm^2/s Source flux converted from count rate; 0.5-2 keV
ML_FLUX_h float64[1] erg/cm^2/s Source flux converted from count rate; 2.3-5 keV
ML_FLUX_u float64[1] erg/cm^2/s Source flux converted from count rate; 5-8 keV
ML_FLUX_ERR_b1 float64[1] erg/cm^2/s 1 sigma flux error; 0.2-0.5 keV
ML_FLUX_ERR_b2 float64[1] erg/cm^2/s 1 sigma flux error; 0.5-1 keV
ML_FLUX_ERR_b3 float64[1] erg/cm^2/s 1 sigma flux error; 1-2 keV
ML_FLUX_ERR_b4 float64[1] erg/cm^2/s 1 sigma flux error; 2-4.5 keV
ML_FLUX_ERR_s float64[1] erg/cm^2/s 1 sigma flux error; 0.5-2 keV
ML_FLUX_ERR_h float64[1] erg/cm^2/s 1 sigma flux error; 2.3-5 keV
ML_FLUX_ERR_u float64[1] erg/cm^2/s 1 sigma flux error; 5-8 keV
ML_FLUX_LOWERR_b1 float64[1] erg/cm^2/s 1 sigma lower error of flux;0.2-0.5 keV
ML_FLUX_LOWERR_b2 float64[1] erg/cm^2/s 1 sigma lower error of flux;0.5-1 keV
ML_FLUX_LOWERR_b3 float64[1] erg/cm^2/s 1 sigma lower error of flux;1-2 keV
ML_FLUX_LOWERR_b4 float64[1] erg/cm^2/s 1 sigma lower error of flux;2-4.5 keV
ML_FLUX_LOWERR_s float64[1] erg/cm^2/s 1 sigma lower error of flux;0.5-2 keV
ML_FLUX_LOWERR_h float64[1] erg/cm^2/s 1 sigma lower error of flux;2.3-5 keV
ML_FLUX_LOWERR_u float64[1] erg/cm^2/s 1 sigma lower error of flux;5-8 keV
ML_FLUX_UPERR_b1 float64[1] erg/cm^2/s 1 sigma upper error of flux;0.2-0.5 keV
ML_FLUX_UPERR_b2 float64[1] erg/cm^2/s 1 sigma upper error of flux;0.5-1 keV
ML_FLUX_UPERR_b3 float64[1] erg/cm^2/s 1 sigma upper error of flux;1-2 keV
ML_FLUX_UPERR_b4 float64[1] erg/cm^2/s 1 sigma upper error of flux;2-4.5 keV
ML_FLUX_UPERR_s float64[1] erg/cm^2/s 1 sigma upper error of flux;0.5-2 keV
ML_FLUX_UPERR_h float64[1] erg/cm^2/s 1 sigma upper error of flux;2.3-5 keV
ML_FLUX_UPERR_u float64[1] erg/cm^2/s 1 sigma upper error of flux;5-8 keV
ML_EXP_b1 float64[1] seconds Vignetted exposure value; 0.2-0.5 keV
ML_EXP_b2 float64[1] seconds Vignetted exposure value; 0.5-1 keV
ML_EXP_b3 float64[1] seconds Vignetted exposure value; 1-2 keV
ML_EXP_b4 float64[1] seconds Vignetted exposure value; 2-4.5 keV
ML_EXP_s float64[1] seconds Vignetted exposure value; 0.5-2 keV
ML_EXP_h float64[1] seconds Vignetted exposure value; 2.3-5 keV
ML_EXP_u float64[1] seconds Vignetted exposure value; 5-8 keV
ML_BKG_b1 float64[1] counts/arcmin^2 Background at the source position; 0.2-0.5keV
ML_BKG_b2 float64[1] counts/arcmin^2 Background at the source position; 0.5-1 keV
ML_BKG_b3 float64[1] counts/arcmin^2 Background at the source position; 1-2 keV
ML_BKG_b4 float64[1] counts/arcmin^2 Background at the source position; 2-4.5 keV
ML_BKG_s float64[1] counts/arcmin^2 Background at the source position; 0.5-2 keV
ML_BKG_h float64[1] counts/arcmin^2 Background at the source position; 2.3-5 keV
ML_BKG_u float64[1] counts/arcmin^2 Background at the source position; 5-8 keV
APE_CTS_b1 int32[1] counts Total counts extracted in the aperture; 0.2-0.5 keV
APE_CTS_b2 int32[1] counts Total counts extracted in the aperture; 0.5-1 keV
APE_CTS_b3 int32[1] counts Total counts extracted in the aperture; 1-2 keV
APE_CTS_b4 int32[1] counts Total counts extracted in the aperture; 2-4.5 keV
APE_CTS_s int32[1] counts Total counts extracted in the aperture; 0.5-2 keV
APE_CTS_h int32[1] counts Total counts extracted in the aperture; 2.3-5 keV
APE_CTS_u int32[1] counts Total counts extracted in the aperture; 5-8 keV
APE_EXP_b1 float64[1] seconds Vignetted exposure value; 0.2-0.5 keV
APE_EXP_b2 float64[1] seconds Vignetted exposure value; 0.5-1 keV
APE_EXP_b3 float64[1] seconds Vignetted exposure value; 1-2 keV
APE_EXP_b4 float64[1] seconds Vignetted exposure value; 2-4.5 keV
APE_EXP_s float64[1] seconds Vignetted exposure value; 0.5-2 keV
APE_EXP_h float64[1] seconds Vignetted exposure value; 2.3-5 keV
APE_EXP_u float64[1] seconds Vignetted exposure value; 5-8 keV
APE_BKG_b1 float64[1] counts Background counts in the aperture, excluding nearby sources;.2-.5keV
APE_BKG_b2 float64[1] counts Background counts in the aperture, excluding nearby sources;0.5-1keV
APE_BKG_b3 float64[1] counts Background counts in the aperture, excluding nearby sources; 1-2 keV
APE_BKG_b4 float64[1] counts Background counts in the aperture, excluding nearby sources;2-4.5keV
APE_BKG_s float64[1] counts Background counts in the aperture, excluding nearby sources;0.5-2keV
APE_BKG_h float64[1] counts Background counts in the aperture, excluding nearby sources;2.3-5keV
APE_BKG_u float64[1] counts Background counts in the aperture, excluding nearby sources; 5-8 keV
APE_RADIUS_b1 float64[1] pixels Aperture radius; 0.2-0.5 keV
APE_RADIUS_b2 float64[1] pixels Aperture radius; 0.5-1 keV
APE_RADIUS_b3 float64[1] pixels Aperture radius; 1-2 keV
APE_RADIUS_b4 float64[1] pixels Aperture radius; 2-4.5 keV
APE_RADIUS_s float64[1] pixels Aperture radius; 0.5-2 keV
APE_RADIUS_h float64[1] pixels Aperture radius; 2.3-5 keV
APE_RADIUS_u float64[1] pixels Aperture radius; 5-8 keV
APE_POIS_b1 float64[1] Poisson probability of being background fluctuation; 0.2-0.5 keV
APE_POIS_b2 float64[1] Poisson probability of being background fluctuation; 0.5-1 keV
APE_POIS_b3 float64[1] Poisson probability of being background fluctuation; 1-2 keV
APE_POIS_b4 float64[1] Poisson probability of being background fluctuation; 2-4.5 keV
APE_POIS_s float64[1] Poisson probability of being background fluctuation; 0.5-2 keV
APE_POIS_h float64[1] Poisson probability of being background fluctuation; 2.3-5 keV
APE_POIS_u float64[1] Poisson probability of being background fluctuation; 5-8 keV


Changes between eFEDS X-ray catalogs V7.4 and V7.5

The "main" and "supp" catalogs remain unchanged. The only change is the "Name" column in the "hard" catalog. When "ID_main" exists, we replace the "Name" that was previously created based on the coordinates with the "Name" of the corresponding source in the "main" catalog, in order to avoid one source having two slightly different names in the "main" and the "hard" catalogs.

Changes between eFEDS X-ray catalogs V7.3 and V7.4

Only a new column of "ID_hard" is added in the "main" and "supp" catalogs. This column contains no new information, as it presents the associations between the "main" and the "hard" catalogs, which are already given in the "ID_main" column of the "hard" catalog.

Changes between eFEDS X-ray catalogs V6.2 and V7.3

The source detection is not changed. All the sources remain the same. There are only four minor changes in the catalogs:

The input AGN catalog in eFEDS simulation

mock AGN catalog
SRC_ID int32 Source ID; always <5e6
RA float64 deg Right ascension (deg)
DEC float64 deg Declination (deg)
logNH float32 AGN column density (cm^-2; Comparat et al. 2019)
z float32 redshift (in redshift space)
FLUX float64[1] erg/s/cm**2 0.5-2 keV observed flux (erg/cm^2/s); the input flux in simulation
FLUX_GalCorr float64[1] 0.5-2 keV flux corrected for Galactic absorption (erg/cm^2/s)
dL float32 luminosity distance (cm; Comparat et al. 2019)
Lx_hard float32 2-10 keV intrinsic luminosity (erg/s)
agn_type float32 AGN type (Merloni et al. 2014, Comparat et al. 2019)
galaxy_SMHMR_mass float32 Host galaxy stellar mass (Msun; Comparat et al. 2019)
ID_Uniq int32 source ID in single-band catalog whose ID_Uniq is this source
ID_Any int32 source ID in single-band catalog whose ID_Any is this source
ID_Any2 int32 source ID in single-band catalog whose ID_Any2 is this source
ID_contam int32 ID of contaminating input source
ID_Uniq_T int32 source ID in three-band catalog whose ID_Uniq is this source
ID_Any_T int32 source ID in three-band catalog whose ID_Any is this source
ID_Any2_T int32 source ID in three-band catalog whose ID_Any2 is this source
Nreal int32[1] number of realization (1-18)

The input cluster catalog in eFEDS simulation

mock cluster catalog
SRC_ID int32 source ID, always >1e7
RA float64 deg Right ascension (deg)
DEC float64 deg Declination (deg)
z float64 redshift (in redshift space)
kT float64[1] cluster tempeature (keV)
dL float64 cm luminosity distance (cm)
Lx_soft float64[1] rest-frame 0.5-2 keV luminosity within R500c (erg/s)
Lx_soft_2R500 float64[1] rest-frame 0.5-2 keV luminosity within twice R500c (erg/s)
Fx_soft float64[1] observed 0.5-2 keV flux within R500c
Fx_soft_2R500 float64[1] observed 0.5-2 keV flux within twice R500c, the input flux in simulation
M500c float64[1] halo mass within R500c (Msun)
R500c_arcmin float32 arcmin apparent radius where the density is 500 times the universe critical density (arcmin)
R500c_kpc float32 kpc physical radius where the density is 500 times the universe critical density (kpc, proper distance)
pid int64 flag; a value of -1 means the halo is a distinct halo
Mvir float32 solMass halo mass within the virial radius (Msun)
Rvir float32 halo virial radius (kpc)
Xoff float32 halo offset parameter (kpc)
b_to_a_500c float32 halo ellipticity
ID_Uniq int32 source ID in single-band catalog whose ID_Uniq is this source
ID_Any int32 source ID in single-band catalog whose ID_Any is this source
ID_Any2 int32 source ID in single-band catalog whose ID_Any2 is this source
ID_contam int32 ID of contaminating input source
ID_Uniq_T int32 source ID in three-band catalog whose ID_Uniq is this source
ID_Any_T int32 source ID in three-band catalog whose ID_Any is this source
ID_Any2_T int32 source ID in three-band catalog whose ID_Any2 is this source
Nreal int32[1] number of realization (1-18)

The output single-band detected catalog in eFEDS simulation

single-band detected mock catalog
ID_SRC int32 source ID
RA float64 deg Right ascension (deg)
DEC float64 deg Declination (deg)
RADEC_ERR float32 arcsec combined positional error (arcsec)
EXT float32 arcsec source extent (arcsec)
EXT_ERR float32 arcsec extent error (arcsec)
EXT_LIKE float32 extent likelihood measured by PSF-fitting
ML_RATE float32 count /s source count rate (cts/s)
ML_RATE_ERR float32 count /s count rate error (cts/s)
DET_LIKE float32 detection likelihood measured by PSF-fitting
ML_BKG float32 count /arcmin**2 background at source position (cts/arcmin^2)
ML_EXP float32 s vignetted exposure (s) at source position
ID_Uniq int32 ID of the unique input counterpart
ID_Any int32 ID of the brightest input counterpart, allowing duplicate
ID_Any2 int32 ID of the secondary input counterpart
ID_contam int32 ID of the input source contaminating the unique input counterpart
Nreal int32[1] number of realization (1--18)

The output three-band detected catalog in eFEDS simulation

three-band detected mock catalog
ID_SRC int32 source ID
RA float64 deg Right ascension (deg)
DEC float64 deg Declination (deg)
RADEC_ERR float32 arcsec combined positional error (arcsec)
EXT float32 arcsec source extent (arcsec)
EXT_ERR float32 arcsec extent error (arcsec)
EXT_LIKE float32 extent likelihood measured by PSF-fitting
DET_LIKE_0 float32 PSF-fitting detection likelihood, summary
ML_RATE_1 float32 count /s source count rate (cts/s), band 1
ML_RATE_ERR_1 float32 count /s count rate error (cts/s), band 1
DET_LIKE_1 float32 PSF-fitting detection likelihood, band 1
ML_BKG_1 float32 count /arcmin**2 background at source locateion (cts/arcmin^2), band 1
ML_EXP_1 float32 s vignetted exposure (s) at source location, band 1
ML_RATE_2 float32 count /s source count rate (cts/s), band 2
ML_RATE_ERR_2 float32 count /s count rate error (cts/s), band 2
DET_LIKE_2 float32 PSF-fitting detection likelihood, band 2
ML_BKG_2 float32 count /arcmin**2 background at source locateion (cts/arcmin^2), band 2
ML_EXP_2 float32 s vignetted exposure (s) at source location, band 2
ML_RATE_3 float32 count /s source count rate (cts/s), band 3
ML_RATE_ERR_3 float32 count /s count rate error (cts/s), band 3
DET_LIKE_3 float32 PSF-fitting detection likelihood, band 3
ML_BKG_3 float32 count /arcmin**2 background at source locateion (cts/arcmin^2), band 3
ML_EXP_3 float32 s vignetted exposure (s) at source location, band 3
ID_Uniq int32 ID of the unique input counterpart
ID_Any int32 ID of the brightest input counterpart, allowing duplicate
ID_Any2 int32 ID of the secondary input counterpart
ID_contam int32 ID of the input source contaminating the unique input counterpart
Nreal int32[1] number of realization (1--18)


eROSITA: Predehl et al. 2020, The eROSITA X-ray telescope on SRG

eFEDS catalogs: Brunner et al. 2021, The eROSITA Final Equatorial Depth Survey (eFEDS): The X-ray catalog

eFEDS simulation: Liu et al. 2021, Establishing the X-ray Source Detection Strategy for eROSITA with Simulations


This work is based on data from eROSITA, the soft X-ray instrument aboard SRG, a joint Russian-German science mission supported by the Russian Space Agency (Roskosmos), in the interests of the Russian Academy of Sciences represented by its Space Research Institute (IKI), and the Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt (DLR). The SRG spacecraft was built by Lavochkin Association (NPOL) and its subcontractors, and is operated by NPOL with support from the Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics (MPE). The development and construction of the eROSITA X-ray instrument was led by MPE, with contributions from the Dr. Karl Remeis Observatory Bamberg & ECAP (FAU Erlangen-Nuernberg), the University of Hamburg Observatory, the Leibniz Institute for Astrophysics Potsdam (AIP), and the Institute for Astronomy and Astrophysics of the University of Tübingen, with the support of DLR and the Max Planck Society. The Argelander Institute for Astronomy of the University of Bonn and the Ludwig Maximilians Universität Munich also participated in the science preparation for eROSITA.

The eROSITA data shown here were processed using the eSASS software system developed by the German eROSITA consortium.