Data Model: eFEDS_c001_main_ctp_clus_v2

General Description
This catalog provides optical confirmation, redshifts and dynamical state estimates described in Klein et al. 2021, for the extent selected sources in the eFEDS field (Brunner et al. 2021, Liu et al. 2021). A optically cleaned cluster catalg can be obtained by selecting F_CONT_BEST_COMB < 0.3 (0.2). Groups not confirmed by MCMF but via matches to external catalogs are added as negative values (see column description).
Naming Convention
This catalog is based on the eFEDS_c001_main X-ray catalog. It provides counter parts (ctp) to the extent selected sample that is dominated by galaxy clusters (clus). Version 2.1 is the catalog presented in Klein+2021. From v1 to v2, the missed groups were added plus some redshifts changed (~3% of the sources affected). Version 2.1 added only the optical disturbance estimators and the MCMF_NWAY column to the catalog, no change on other entries. Filename:
Approximate Size
230 KB
File Type
Generated by Product


Content of the page.

HDU1: Joined

Column Description of the catalog. First 17 columns are based on the input X-ray catalog (see Brunner+21) used for the searched for optical counter parts. Note "RA_CORR", "DEC_CORR" are the X-ray coordinates used for counter part search. Starting with "F_CONT_BEST_COMB" all following entries are related to the optical follow-up and are described in Klein+21 as well. Note "MASSPROX_BEST_COMB" is only a mass proxy based on the the count rate (ML_RATE), a bias and a redshift trend to true halo mass can be safely assumed. Note this table does not contain the additional X-ray quantities derived in Liu+21.

HDU Type
HDU Size
190 KB
Header Table Caption for HDU1
Binary Table Caption for HDU1
Name char[22] None Name
ID_SRC int32 None Source ID
RA_CORR float64 None Corrected RA (deg)
DEC_CORR float64 None Corrected Dec (deg)
RADEC_ERR_CORR float64 None Combined positional uncertainty (arcsec), corrected
EXT float32 arcsec Source extent (arcsec)
EXT_ERR float32 arcsec Extent error (arcsec)
EXT_LIKE float32 None Extent likelihood
ML_CTS float32 None Source net counts measured from count rate
ML_CTS_ERR float32 None 1 sigma counts error
ML_RATE float32 count /s Source count rate measured by PSF-fitting (counts/s)
ML_RATE_ERR float32 count /s 1 sigma count rate error (counts/s)
ML_FLUX float32 erg /cm**2 /s Source flux converted from count rate (erg/cm^2/s)
ML_FLUX_ERR float32 erg /cm**2 /s 1 sigma flux error (erg/cm^2/s)
DET_LIKE float32 None Detection likelihood measured by PSF-fitting
ML_BKG float32 count /arcmin**2 Background flux at the source position (counts/arcmin^2)
ML_EXP float32 s Vignetted exposure value (seconds)
inArea90 bool None True if in the 0.2-2.3keV exp>500s region, which comprises 90% area
F_CONT_BEST_COMB float64 None f_cont for the best counter part. Manually added groups have -1 (good) and -2 (less good)
Z_BEST_COMB float64 None Photometric redshift of best counter part
SIGMA_Z_BEST_COMB float64 None Uncertainty of the photometric redshift
LAMBDA_BEST_COMB float64 None Richness of best counter part
ELAMBDA_BEST_COMB float64 None Uncertainty on richness
SURV_BEST_COMB int16 None Survey used: -1 group catalog, 1 LS, 2 HSC
RA_OPTCEN_BEST_COMB float64 None Ra of optical center of best counter part
DEC_OPTCEN_BEST_COMB float64 None Same but DEC
SPEC_Z_BEST_COMB float64 None Spec-z
N_SPEC float64 None Number of redshifts used for spec-z
MASSPROX_BEST_COMB float64 M_sol/h 10^14 approx. M_500 used in MCMF
F_CONT_2BEST_COMB float64 None similar to *_BEST_COMB but for 2nd best candidate
Z_2BEST_COMB float64 None similar to *_BEST_COMB but for 2nd best candidate
LAMBDA_2BEST_COMB float64 None similar to *_BEST_COMB but for 2nd best candidate
ELAMBDA_2BEST_COMB float64 None similar to *_BEST_COMB but for 2nd best candidate
SIGMA_Z_2BEST_COMB float64 None similar to *_BEST_COMB but for 2nd best candidate
SURV_2BEST_COMB int16 None similar to *_BEST_COMB but for 2nd best candidate
MASSPROX_2BEST_COMB float64 M_sol/h 10^14 approx. M_500 used in MCMF
FLAG_OPTICAL_X_POS int16 None Value of the optical footprint map at X-ray position
MASKFRAC_3_FOOT float64 None Fraction of the area not int the optical footprint within a 3' radius
MASKFRAC_3_FLAGGED float64 None Similar but including flagged area due to bright star masks
MASKFRAC_R500_FOOT_BEST_COMB float64 None Same as MASKFRAC_3_FOOT but for a r_500 sized region
MASKFRAC_R500_FLAGGED_BEST_COMB float64 None Same as MASKFRAC_3_FLAGGED but for a r_500 sized region
MASKFRAC_R500_FOOT_2BEST_COMB float64 None similar to *_BEST_COMB but for 2nd best candidate
MASKFRAC_R500_FLAGGED_2BEST_COMB float64 None similar to *_BEST_COMB but for 2nd best candidate
RA_GDMAP_2BEST_COMB float64 None Optical centre based on galaxy density map for 2nd best cand.
DEC_GDMAP_2BEST_COMB float32 None Optical centre based on galaxy density map for 2nd best cand.
Alpha float64 None Dynamical state estimator alpha
Delta float64 None Dynamical state estimator delta
Beta float64 None Dynamical state estimator beta
Ellip float64 None Dynamical state estimator: model ellipticity
Centershift float64 None Shift of the centre of the 2D density model with respect to X-ray position
DIST_NEXT_OPT_R500 float64 None Distance to next optical structure in the galaxy density map in R_500
DISTNEXT_XCLUST_MPC float64 None Distance to next extent selectect eFEDS cluster in MPC
DISTNEXT_XCLUST_R500 float64 None Distance to next extent selectect eFEDS cluster in R_500
MCMF_NWAY_SECTOR char[2] None Sector in f_cont vs P_any plane. See paper Sect. 5.4


The entries related the optical follow-up (e.g. redshifts, confirmation and dynamical state) are described in Klein et al. 2021(submitted)

The X-ray data and catalog creation is described in Brunner et. al. 2021(submitted)

The X-ray analysis of the extent selected sample that makes use of the redshift and providing additional X-ray information is described in Liu et al. 2021 (submitted)

Predehl et al. 2020. The eROSITA X-ray telescope on SRG


The eROSITA data model structure for catalogues was branched from the SDSS data model for value added catalogues.