Pipeline data product's file naming convention

There are several data products that the user receives from the eROSITA pipeline processing. The data file names give an idea of the type of products they are (see table below). The file names are of the form:


Meaning Options Explanation Task
P Observation mode e Single eRASS -
s Cumulative all-sky survey -
p Pointing -
f Field scan mode -
l Slew observation -
Q Ownership m MPE -
i IKI -
b MPE+IKE ownership -
c Calibration -
o Other -
ii eRASS number 01...08 Survey -
AO Number for pointings -
00 For calPV -
jjjjjj Sky map number For survey: three digits each for RA and DEC degrees of center position -
For pointing: observation ID -
k Telescope ID 1...7 Individual cameras/telescopes -
0 All cameras/telescopes -
8 Cameras with on-chip filter -
9 Cameras without on-chip filter -
l Filter wheel number 0 Closed -
1 Open -
2 Filter -
3 Calibration source -
4 Intermediate/undefined -
m Energy band 0 0.2-10.0 keV. -
nnnnnn (variable length) Product type EventList Event list file EVTOOL
BoxDetSourceListL Source list from source detection in local detection mode ERBOX
BoxDetSourceListM Source list from source detection in map detection mode ERBOX
MaxLikSourceList Source list from source detection by maximum likelihood method ERMLDET
CheeseMask Cheese image ERBACKMAP
SourceMap Source model image ERMLDET
SourceCatalog Source catalogue CATPREP
ImageTot Image in a given energy band EVTOOL
ExposureMap Exposure map in a given energy band EXPMAP
BackgrImage Background map ERBACKMAP
DetectionMask Detection mask ERMASK
Source specific products (the number correspond to the dataset version and processing configuration) SourceSpec_00001 Source spectrum SRCTOOL
BackgrSpec_00001 Source backgroun spectrum SRCTOOL
LightCurve_00001 Source light curve SRCTOOL
EventList_00001 Source event list SRCTOOL
RMF_00001 Source Response Matrix File (RMF) SRCTOOL
ARF_00001 Source Ancillary Response File (ARF) SRCTOOL
rrr Dataset version
R Processing configuration r Release
i Internal
t Testing
ooo Processing configuration number

Example: sm01_002090_010_EventList_001_r002.fits, which is an event list file from the survey mode. It belongs to MPE and it comes from eRASS01. The event list is the result of combining all cameras with an open filter wheel in the whole energy band.