eROSITA FITS event file format

The purpose of this page is to describe the structure of an event file and its extensions as it is produced by the eROSITA Science Analysis Software System (eSASS) .

On this page

1 Event file extensions

1.1 EVENTS extension

1.1.1 Description of EVENTS extension

The baseline will be separate event files for each camera containing, one EVENTS extension plus additional camera specific extensions, defined in this file. In order to allow straightforward merging of the event files from different cameras, a column TM_NR is included in the EVENTS extension to keep track of the origin of each event after merging the camera specific EVENTS extensions. All other camera specific extensions will have the camera number as the last digit of their extension name. They will thus still have unique names after copying them into an all camera event file. There are different event files which can have more or fewer columns depending on whether it is a raw event file, an event file assigned to an eROday or a sky tile. Raw event files will not be discussed here, because they are not part of the EDR. Most users will have to deal with event files assigned to a sky tile. Columns of event files assigned to eROdays are marked with 'I', and those of event files assigned columns are marked by 'C'. Also, see the section on the order of the event file columns.

         TIME           R*8     CI     as defined in MJDREF, TIMEZER, TIMEUNIT keywords;
                                       by default, the TIME values will be non-randomized and not 
                                       baricentre-corrected; these corrections will be applied by 
                                       interactive tasks on a case by case basis 

         RA, DEC        I*4     CI     J2000, unit: 10-6 deg (FITS keywords TZEROn=0.D0 TSCALn = 1.D-6) 
                                       calculated from attitude, RAWX, RAWY, and SUBX, SUBY

         X, Y           I*4     CI     sky coordinates (calculated from RA, DEC)
                                       pixel size 0.05''; units and origin as defined 
                                       in WCS keywords

         PI             R*4     CI     calibrated and recombined amplitude [eV]
                                       For each pixel of a pattern (all sizes, also MIPS), 
                                       the PI column will contain the corrected total energy 
                                       (positive for main event, negativ for all other
                                       pixels); the corrected amplitudes for the individual
                                       pixels are written in the columns AMP_GAIN and
                                       AMP_COR (not included in standard products event files).

         EV_WEIGHT      R*4     CI     contains invers vignetting correction factor
                                       (and potentially other corrections)     

         RAWX, RAWY     I*2     CI     as defined in Properties of the CCDs relevant for processing

         SUBX, SUBY     I*1     CI     as defined in Properties of the CCDs relevant for processing

         PHA            I*2     CI     raw amplitude [adu]

         PAT_TYP        I*2     CI     pattern type: number of pixels in the pattern,
                                       positive (1-4) for valid, negative for invalid patterns,
                                       same value for all the pixels in the pattern,
                                       0 indicates that pixel was ignored because PHA was too low

         PAT_INF        I*1     CI     pattern information:
                                       for valid patterns: 3 decimal digits p d q
                                       p: position of the pixel in the pattern (0-2)
                                       d: direction of the pattern (1-4)
                                       q: quality of the pattern (0-9)
                                       for single pixels: tr q
                                       tr: trailing pixel info: precursor distance (<26)
                                       q: quality, with additional information about diagonal pixel(s)
                                       for invalid patterns:
                                       number of pixels with MIP-like PHAs
         TM_NR          I*1     CI     1-7 for eROSITA telescope modules

         FLAG           I*4     CI     flag 0...1:  owner flags
                                       flag 4...11: information flags
                                       flag 12...30: rejection flags
                                       see description below
         FRAMETIME              CI     Time of the frame

         RECORDTIME             CI     high resolution creation time of the record

         PAT_IND        I*2     I      pattern index: running number counting within each
                                       readout frame the patterns which are larger than one pixel,
                                       positive for main pixel, negative for the others;
                                       for single pixels: precursor distance
                                       (PAT_IND is only needed as a temporary column)

         AMP_GAIN               I      contains the gain corrected pulse height amplitude for the 
							individual pixel (i.e., before any pattern recombination)

         AMP_COR                I      contains the gain and CTI corrected pulse height amplitude 
                                       for the individual pixel (i.e., before any pattern recombination)

Order of calibrated event file columns (as archived in the products archive)

This is the standard order of the columns as created by the eSASS pipeline (software reading the event files is expected to work with any ordering of the columns).

Name Type Bytes (cumulative)
RA, DEC R*8 24
X, Y R*8 40
PI R*4 44
PHA I*2 70
PAT_TYP I*2 72
PAT_INF Byte 73
TM_NR Byte 74
FLAG I*4 78
1.1.2 Description of event flags
# HEX Name written by task
Owner flags:
0 0x1 MPE_OWNER EVATT (0: MPE is owner)
1 0x2 IKI_OWNER EVATT (0: IKI is owner)
Information flags:
Rejection flags:
Quality flags:
24 0x1000000 PHA_QUALITY_1 EVPREP
25 0x2000000 PHA_QUALITY_2 EVPREP
26 0x4000000 PHA_QUALITY_3 EVPREP
Corrupted data:
1.1.3 Keywords of EVENTS extension

         EXTNAME        'EVENTS  '         Name of FITS table extension
         HDUCLASS       '        '         Type/source of format
         HDUVERS        '1.0.0.  '
         HDUCLAS1       'EVENTS  '
         HDUCLAS2       '        '

1.2 GTI extensions

1.2.1 GTIn extensions

GTI data, created by the preprocessor. The GTI extension should at all times reflect the actual events contained in the EVENTS extension. It thus needs to be updated whenever a temporal (survey and pointing) or spatial (survey) selection has been performed on the EVENTS extension.

Table columns:

         START          R*8                start and stop times of good time intervals;
         STOP           R*8                times as defined in TIME column of EVENTS extension

Header keywords:

         EXTNAME        'GTIn    '         n: number of camera (as in CCDNR column of EVENTS extension)      
         HDUCLASS       '        '         Type/source of format
         HDUVERS        '1.0.0.  '
         HDUCLAS1       'EVENTS  '
         HDUCLAS2       '        '
1.2.2 FLAREGTI extension

Flare GTI, computed by task FLAREGTI (same format as GTIn)

1.2.3 QUALGTIn extensions

Quality GTI, created by task MKFILTER (same format as GTIn)

1.3 CORRATTn extension

Table columns:

         TIME           R*8                times as defined in TIME column of EVENTS extension
         RA             R*8                RA [deg] of optical axis of telescope n
         DEC            R*8                DEC [deg] of optical axis of telescope n
         ROLL           R*8                roll angle (assumed to be the counter-clockwise
                                           angle between the north direction in the J2000 coordinate
                                           system and the X direction of the RAWX/RAWY coordinate system;
                                           note that the north direction is assumed to be the real north 
                                           direction and not the projection of the north vector through 
                                           the telescope on the detector.

Header keywords:

         EXTNAME        'CORRATTn'         n: number of camera (as in CCDNR column of EVENTS extensions)
         HDUCLASS       '        '         Type/source of format
         HDUVERS        '1.0.0.  '
         HDUCLAS1       'EVENTS  '
         HDUCLAS2       '        '

1.4 DEADCORn extension

Table columns:

         TIME           R*8                times as defined in TIME column of EVENTS extension
                                           (time refers to middle of valitidty interval) 
         DEADC          R*4                0...1 (livetime/ontime); corresponds to 
                                           FRACEXP column of XMM EXPOSURE extensions
                                           or FCT of SASS file LFTIMX)

Header keywords:

         EXTNAME        'DEADCORn'         n: number of camera (as in CCDNR column of EVENTS extension)    
         HDUCLASS       '        '         Type/source of format
         HDUVERS        '1.0.0.  '
         HDUCLAS1       'EVENTS  ' 
         HDUCLAS2       '        '

1.5 BADPIXn extension

Table columns:

         Name           Format             Description
         RAWX           I*2                detector pixel coord
         RAWY           I*2                detector pixel coord
         YEXTENT        I*2                extend of bad column in y direction
         TYPE           I*2                1=Hot; 2=Flickering; 3=Dead etc.
         BADFLAG        I*2                1=uplinked; 2=from CALDB; 3=from file etc.
         TIMEMIN        R*8                Start of time window in which pixel is bad
         TIMEMAX        R*8                End of time window in which pixel is bad
         PHAMAX         I*2                Upper bound of the PHA range over which pixel is bad
         PHAMIN         I*2                Lower bound of the PHA range over which pixel is bad
         PHAMED         R*4                Median of PHA vbalues (optional)

Header keywords:

         EXTNAME        'BADPIXn'          n: number of camera (as in CCDNR column of EVENTS extension)
         HDUCLASS       '       '          Type/source of format
         HDUVERS        '1.0.0. '
         HDUCLAS1       'EVENTS '
         HDUCLAS2       '       '

1.6 HKn extensions

Contains HK quantities copied from HK files, needed by eSASS tasks

1.6.1 HKn1 extension

Table columns:

         TIME           R*8                times as defined in TIME column of EVENTS extension
         PnPROCMODE     Byte               processing mode; 0: IDLE, 1: work mode, 2: calc offset, 3: calc noise,
                                           4: all singles, ... , 9: environment mode 1, 10: environment mode 
         PnSEQMODE      Byte               sequencer mode, 08:idle, 0A: workmode - framestore, ...
         PnSCTSTAT      Byte               timesynchronisation between CE and onboard-timesource; 5: synchronous, 7: asynchronous, ...
         PnPROCOPTS     I*4                options for program control; 1: always send frame times, ...
         PnTMFRAMES     R*4                telemetry frame counter
         PnCCDFRAMES    R*4                number of processed CCD frames
         PnEVTCTR       R*4                event counter
         PnMIPCTR       R*4                MIP counter (number of pixels affected by MIP))
         PnFWSTEPCT     R*4                step counter (executed)
         PnFWSTAT       Byte               status of filter wheel
         PnCHOPPER      R*4                specifies what number CCD frame should be processed
         Recordtime     R*8                high resolution creation time of the record
         PnSPLT2NOI     R*4                split to noise ratio
         PxEVTQLIMT     R*4                event quota limit
         RFRAMETIME     R*8
         QRFRAMETIME    I*2
         DnPROCMODE     I*2
         DnPROCOPTS     I*2
         DnFWSTAT       I*2                
         DETSTAT        I*2

Header keywords:

         EXTNAME        'HKn1  '           n: number of camera (as in CCDNR column of EVENTS extensions)
         HDUCLASS       '      '           Type/source of format
         HDUVERS        '1.0.0.'
         HDUCLAS1       'EVENTS'
         HDUCLAS2       '      '
1.6.2 HKn2 extension

Table columns:

         TIME           R*8                times as defined in TIME column of EVENTS extension
         FWHEEL         Byte               position of filter wheel; 0: closed, 1: open, 2: filter, 3: calibration
         CnFWPOS        Byte               position of filter wheel; 8: filter, 12: open, 13: calibration, 14: closed, 15: moving
         CnHVFWSW       Byte               switches for HV, filter wheel converter and filterwheel position sensors
         CnSTPVOLT      R*4                voltage of stepper motor
         PnMIPDELN      R*4                MIP deletion area to the north
         PnMIPDELS      R*4                MIP deletion area to the south
         PnMIPDELOW     R*4                MIP deletion area to the east and west
         PnMIPIMGMX     Byte               MIP image (time exposure) maximum
         Recordtime     R*8                high resolution creation time of the record
         DnFWPOS        I*2
         RFRAMETIME     R*8
         QRFRAMETIME    I*2

Header keywords:

         EXTNAME        'HKn2  '           n: number of camera (as in CCDNR column of EVENTS extensions)
         HDUCLASS       '      '           Type/source of format
         HDUVERS        '1.0.0.'
         HDUCLAS1       'EVENTS'
         HDUCLAS2       '      '
1.6.3 HKn3 extension

Table columns:

         TIME           R*8                times as defined in TIME column of EVENTS extension
         PnFWDELAY      R*4                overshoot
         PnENVTAB       R*4                table index for selected ENV (dynamic pair))
         DnENVTAB       I*2
         Recordtime     R*8                high resolution creation time of the record
         RFRAMETIME     R*8
         QRFRAMETIME    I*2

Header keywords:

         EXTNAME        'HKn3  '           n: number of camera (as in CCDNR column of EVENTS extensions)
         HDUCLASS       '      '           Type/source of format
         HDUVERS        '1.0.0.'
         HDUCLAS1       'EVENTS'
         HDUCLAS2       '      '
1.6.4 HKn5 extension

Table columns:

         TIME           R*8                times as defined in TIME column of EVENTS extension
         PnMIPTHR       R*4                data processing, mip threshold
         PnPRIMTHR      R*4                data processing, prime threshold
         PnFWSTEPS      R*4                number of steps til next stop
         PnSPLTCT       R*4                slit event counter
         PnEVTBMAX      R*4                event-R/P filling level maximum
         PnOUTBFREE     R*4                output R/P: free places
         Recordtime     R*8                high resolution creation time of the record
         PnMIPCRTPT     R*4
         DnMIPTHR       I*2
         DnPRIMTHR      I*2
         DnMIPCTRPT     I*2
         RFRAMETIME     R*8
         QRFRAMETIME    I*2

Header keywords:

         EXTNAME        'HKn5  '           n: number of camera (as in CCDNR column of EVENTS extensions)
         HDUCLASS       '      '           Type/source of format
         HDUVERS        '1.0.0.'
         HDUCLAS1       'EVENTS'
         HDUCLAS2       '      '

1.7 REGION extension

Documents spacial selections by tasks EVTOOL and SRCTOOL.
Table columns:

         SHAPE          A*16                shape of region: circle, rectangle, ellipse, box
         XC             R*8                 x coordinate of center in degrees
         YC             R*8                 y coordinate of center in degrees
         R              R*8                 size of region in degrees
         ROTANG         R*8                 rotation angle

2 Procedures for merging event files

2.1 Procedure for merging event files from different cameras

This procedure is implemented in the task EVTOOL (see 2.2 in the eSASS cookbook).

Several operations are done by EVTOOL