This document provides a description of parameters and instructions for the correct usage of the
EXPMAP task, which is part of
eSASS (the
eROSITA Science Analysis Software System).
eSASS task
EXPMAP computes exposure maps, optionally in up to 50 energy bands. Output maps in each band may be either 'merged' from several telescope modules (TMs), and/or 'single' maps, i.e. one map per TM. The choice of either output depends on the boolean parameters
withmergedmaps and
The exposure maps display the approximate exposure time at each sky location in units of seconds. In 'merged' maps, each pixel value is a weighted average of the individual TM exposure times at that pixel. See the 'algorithm' section for more detail of the weighting scheme. Energy dependent vignetting may be applied if desired (boolean parameter withvignetting). Bad pixels (boolean parameter withfilebadpix) and out-of-FOV pixels (boolean parameter withdetmaps) can be excluded; note however that you should take care in both cases to match the filtering that was applied to the event list. EXPMAP will issue a warning if it detects a mismatch between the filtering applied to the event list and the pixel exclusions you request, but ultimately it is up to the user to make the map match the list.
Of the inputs to EXPMAP, the event list(s) (inputdatasets) define the TMs to use, also the good time intervals (GTIs), attitude history and dead-time history for each TM, and the event filtering that was applied; the templateimage only defines the size and sky-position of the output exposure map(s). Note that the actual data in the EVENTS table of the event list is not used.
Note that as of version 2.6, EXPMAP can be run in parallel. This behaviour is activated by setting the appropriate value of the environment variable OMP_NUM_THREADS.
Input Parameters
- inputdatasets (string array) REQUIRED
- This can be either one or several eROSITA calibrated event lists or images with a full set of eSASS standard file extensions. How many files to supply? You need to supply TM-specific extensions for each TM you want to contribute to the output maps. You may not supply separate files with extensions for the same TM. Thus the maximum number of files you can supply to this parameter is 7, since this is the total number of TMs; however you can, if you have them, also use event list files that contain extensions for more than one TM. See the 'input files' section for more information.
- templateimage (string) REQUIRED
- The output exposure maps will be binned as specified in the WCS keywords of the template image.
- emin (real) REQUIRED
- Lower bound of exposure map energy bands (unit: keV); up to 50 values in ascending order.
- emax (real) REQUIRED
- Upper bound of exposure map energy bands (unit: keV); up to 50 values in ascending order.
- withmergedmaps (boolean) OPTIONAL [default value: YES]
- Specifies whether merged, i.e. all-telescope exposure maps shall be created.
- mergedmaps (string array) OPTIONAL
- Names of the merged all-telescope output exposure maps (one name per energy band, in the same order as in emin and emax).
- withsinglemaps (boolean) OPTIONAL [default value: NO]
- Specifies whether single-TM exposure maps shall be created.
- singlemaps (string array) OPTIONAL [e.g.: 'expm_TM2_band1.fits expm_TM2_band2.fits expm_TM6_band1.fits expm_TM6_band2.fits']
- Names of the output single-TM exposure maps. Enter one name per TM and per energy band, grouped in consecutive energy bands per TM. Within each group, the order of energy bands should be the same as in emin and emax; the TMs of successive groups should occur in ascending order. The total number of entries must therefore equal the product of the number of TMs provided in the input event files and the number of energy bands specified via emin and emax.
- withinputmaps (boolean) OPTIONAL [default value: NO]
- If set to YES, cumulative exposure maps will be created. The exposure corresponding to the GTI intervals provided in the datasets listed at parameter inputdatasets will be added to the existing exposure maps provided via the inputmaps command line parameter. (Note that if you want to continue this process with anticipated future new event lists then you need also to select withsinglemaps=YES and provide the appropriate names in singlemaps for the output single-TM exposure maps.) The task can deal correctly with inputmaps that overlap in time with the current inputdatasets. This option is mainly intended for the pipeline processing of all-sky survey data.
- inputmaps (string array) OPTIONAL
- Names of the input single-TM exposure maps, when cumulative exposure calculations are desired. The required number and ordering is the same as for singlemaps.
- gtitype (string) OPTIONAL [default value: GTI]
- Specifies the name root of the GTI extension to be used for exposure map creation. Allowed values: GTI, FLAREGTI.
- Note: you will probably want to specify the same type of GTI that was used to filter your event list.
- withvignetting (boolean) OPTIONAL [default value: YES]
- The exposure maps will be corrected for vignetting if set to YES. Exposure times will be normalized to the on-axis exposure. Vignetting correction factors per energy band are weighted within the band by a power-law spectrum, the index being given via parameter plindex.
- withweights (boolean) OPTIONAL [default value: YES]
Note that this parameter only affects merged-TM maps, not single-TM maps.
Merged maps are always weighted sums of contributions from the individual TMs; what the parameter withweights does is to select the nature of the weighting.
If set to YES (the default), the weight for each TM is set to its fractional contribution to the effective area, which quantities are stored in the calibration database. Since these fractions vary with energy, an average value must be calculated per TM for each energy band. Clearly, accuracy will fall off if the bands become broad. Note that the general effect of this choice of weighting is to generate merged maps with amplitudes nominally one seventh of that which would be obtained if one summed for all TMs the single maps for the respective band.
If set to NO, weights are calculated simply as the reciprocal of the number of TMs (assessed from the presence of a matching GTIn extension) represented in the input event list files.
- withdetmaps (boolean) OPTIONAL [default value: NO]
- This governs whether exposure maps are cropped at the edge of the field of view for each TM. Note that your choice of this option should match the respective filtering applied to the event file.
- withfilebadpix (boolean) OPTIONAL [default value: YES]
- Bad pixels found in the bad pixel extension of the supplied event files will be screened from the exposure maps if set to YES. Note that your choice of this option should match the respective filtering applied to the event file.
- accuracy (string) OPTIONAL [default value: approximate]
- This controls the accuracy of the projection on the sky. Current options (in descending order of speed) are 'original', 'approximate' and 'exact'.
- plindex (real) OPTIONAL [default value: -1.7]
- This governs the weighting of the vignetting function within any energy band. See parameter withvignetting.
Known Issues:
- Filtering of event lists via rawxy is not yet read.
Input files
Two inputs are required, and a third is optional:
- A list of eventlist file names should be provided via the parameter inputdatasets, each file of which includes the standard set eSASS file extensions. These extensions have uses as follows:
- EVENTS: the actual events data are not used by EXPMAP but the standard eSASS header keywords are required.
- GTIn (or FLAREGTIn etc, see parameter gtitype): The sum of GTIs for telescope module (TM) n forms the starting value of the exposure map for that TM.
- DEADCORn: this fractional exposure value is sampled at the time steps used internally by EXPMAP.
- CORRATTn: these attitude samples are required to allow coordinate transformation from CCD to sky coordinates.
- BADPIXn: carries information about which pixels of the nth CCD to exclude.
- HK and other extensions: unused.
The set of TMs for which EXPMAP should compute exposure maps is defined by the full set of GTIn extensions found in the set of event lists provided to the inputdatasets parameter. Note that it is not permitted that 2 or more of these eventlists include extensions for the same nth TM. For example, suppose you supplied 2 event lists, the first containing extensions GTI1, GTI3 and GTI4, the second with extensions GTI2 and GTI3: since the GTI extension for TM3 appears twice, the task would in this case fail with an error. It is thus easy to see that the maximum number of files that can be supplied to inputdatasets is 7.
- A FITS image to function as an image template should be provided via the parameter templateimage. The pixel dimensions of the output maps, their pixel sizes, and their location on the sky, are all set by this image. The image must be in the primary HDU of the FITS file.
- If withinputmaps=YES, the user can provide input exposure maps via the parameter inputmaps. Note that these must be TM- and band-specific maps; i.e., you must supply 1 per TM/band combination. (The order should be the same as singlemaps.) If these are supplied, the output exposure maps will contain cumulative totals of the input maps plus any new exposure. There at present NO CHECKS made of consistency with the template image, so if you supply inputmaps from a different projection, you will end up with a mess.
Output files
- One exposure map per energy band and per telescope (if parameter withsinglemaps is set to YES).
- One all-telescope exposure per energy band (if parameter withmergedmaps is set to YES).
The task accumulates internally 1 exposure map per TM/band combination. The starting point for each is a CCD image, which is projected onto the sky at a succession of time samples within each GTI for that TM.
CCD images
- A starting image is first obtained from the DETMAP component of the cal DB. This currently has value unity over the CCD pixel grid.
- If the template image excluded out-of-FOV events, and if parameter withdetmaps is set, these are then excluded from the CCD image.
- If parameter withfilebadpix is set, bad pixels are excluded based on the choices of bad-pixel and pattern filtering used in making the template image.
- If parameter withvignetting was set, the CCD image is multiplied by a vignetting function. For each energy band, the vignetting function is calculated as follows:
- The band is broken into N sub-bands, N being calculated as ceiling(width_band_eV/50).
- A vignetting map is obtained at the mean energy of each sub-band.
- A scalar weight is obtained at that mean energy from a power-law spectrum energyindex, the index being suppliable by the user via the plindex parameter.
- The final vignetting map for the band and CCD is obtained from the weighted mean of the sub-band maps.
Accumulation over GTI
GTIs are read for each TM from the supplied
inputdatasets. For each TM for which a
GTIn extension was found, the task loops through the list of its GTIs, accumulating the TM-specific exposure maps accordingly.
Attitude sampling
The CCD image must be projected onto the sky – to be precise, onto the same sky projection plane as used in the template image. This projection depends on the instantaneous attitude, which in general is continuously varying. The unattainable ideal of continuous coverage is approximated by projecting the image at a series of attitude samples.
In order to reduce the overhead from computation of coordinate transforms, the projection is broken into four parts as follows.
- At coarse attitude sampling (currently performed at a cadence of once per 20 CCD frames, i.e. once per second), the CCD map is projected to the image plane and stored. A new map is not calculated at each attitude sample, but only if the change in attitude is greater than a certain amount – roughly so much as to cause offsets at the size of an image pixel.
- At fine attitude sampling (at the same cadence as the CCD frames, i.e. 20 per second), the projected image is shifted in X and/or Y. A new shifted image is only calculated if (i) a new projected image was calculated at step 1, or (ii) the attitude has changed enough to shift by of order one image pixel.
- The shifted image is multiplied by the frame duration times the dead time fraction (sampled at the same coarse cadence as the attitude in step 1). A new multiplication is only performed if (i) a new shifted image was calculated at step 2, or (ii) the exposure has changed by more than 0.1%.
- The projected, shifted, exposure-corrected image is accumulated onto the TM- and band-specific exposure map.
Projection onto the sky
In practice, the algorithm calculates the coordinate transform in reverse: i.e. it takes the desired grid of sky-plane pixels and projects them, for a given instantaneous attitude, onto the CCD. This is because we want, for each image pixel and instant in time, to ask, what part of the CCD is this illuminating, at what vignetting factor, and is there a dead pixel there? However it is notionally easier to behave as if the CCD grid were projected to the sky.
The projection is a SIN rather than a TAN one. The original expmap implemented a TAN projection, which is most of the reason for the previous noticeably poor fit between images and exposure maps at significant off-axis angles (of order a degree or more). To retain backward-compatibility with older maps, this projection algorithm has been retained, for choice 'original' of parameter accuracy. The full-accuracy SIN projection is obtained for choice 'exact'; a linear approximation of it is performed for choice 'approximate'.
Final weighting for TM-merged maps
If TM-merged maps are desired (parameter
withmergedmaps), these are summed at the final stage, for each energy band, from weighted TM- and band-specific maps. If parameter
withweights is set 'true', the weight factors are calculated as follows. For each TM, the
SPECRESP component from the cal DB comprises a list of
CONTRIB values at a series of energies. The weight for a given energy band and TM is calculated as a fraction for which the numerator is the sum of
SPECRESP x CONTRIB x band_width across the band and the denominator the sum of
SPECRESP x band_width. The weight can therefore be thought of as an area-weighted mean of the
CONTRIB value across the band.
If parameter withweights is not set, all the weights are set equal to 1/num_TMs. The merged maps are thus in a sense averages, not sums, of the TM-specific maps.
Example calls
expmap inputdatasets="events.fits" \
templateimage="image.fits" \
mergedmaps="expmap.fits" \
emin=0.5 emax=2.0
This minimalistic call creates a merged, vignetted exposure map for the telescopes included in event file
events.fits in the energy band from 0.5 to 2.0 keV. GTIs are sought by default from the
GTIn extensions. (Note that
withmergedmaps can be omitted here because it defaults to 'true'.)
expmap inputdatasets="events1.fits events2.fits" \
templateimage="image.fits" \
mergedmaps="expmap_b1.fits expmap_b2.fits expmap_b3.fits expmap_b4.fits" \
emin="0.2 0.5 1.0 2.0" \
emax="0.5 1.0 2.0 10.0" \
Merged, vignetted exposure maps for the telescopes included in event file
events.fits are created for each of the energy bands 0.2 to 0.5, 0.5 to 1.0, 1.0 to 2.0 and 2.0 to 10.0 keV. GTIs are sought from the
FLAREGTIn extensions. (Note that
withmergedmaps can be omitted here because it defaults to 'true'.)
expmap inputdatasets="events1.fits events2.fits" \
templateimage="image.fits" \
withsinglemaps="yes" \
withmergedmaps="no" \
singlemaps="expmap_b1t2.fits expmap_b2t2.fits expmap_b1t5.fits expmap_b2t5.fits" \
emin="0.2 0.5" \
emax="0.5 1.0" \
Here the user has rather required per-TM (i.e. 'single') maps rather than the all-telescope 'merged' maps. The number of
singlemaps must equal the number of TMs for which appropriate GTI extensions were found (here =2), times the number of energy bands (here also =2).