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This document provides a description of the algorithm and instructions for the correct usage of the ERSENSMAP task, which is part of eSASS (the eROSITA Science Analysis Software System).


Calculate eROSITA sensitivity maps


The task ERSENSMAP uses eSASS exposure maps (expimages) and background maps (bkgimages) to calculate the expected detection sensitivity for point sources or extended sources. The task can be operated in two main modes, determined by the parameter method: The simultaneous detection on several input images can be modelled by providing more than one exposure map and background map. The spectral properties of the sources can be specified by providing an energy conversion factor for each input image (parameter ecf). When using method="FIT", extended sources can be modelled (parameters ext_flag, ext, extmodel). As optional output a FITS table containing the cumulative sky area as a function of detectable flux can be written (parameters area_flag, area_table). The sky area is calculated as the sum of the pixel areas having limiting fluxes less than or equal the table row flux value.


Input files:

Output files:


Calculate sensitivity map and area table for 9x9 pixel box apertures:
ersensmap expimages="expmap.fits" \
          bkgimages="bkgmap.fits" \
          detmasks="detmask.fits" \
          sensimage="sensmap_box.fits" \
          emin="500." \
          emax="2000." \
          ecf="1.22246e+12" \
          method="APER" \
          aper_type="BOX" \
          aper_size=4.5 \
          likemin=8. \
          detmask_flag="Y" \
          shapelet_flag="N" \
          photon_flag="N" \
          area_table="surveyarea_box.fits" \

Calculate sensitivity map for the detection of extended sources with beta-model (core radius = 5 pix):

ersensmap expimages="expmap.fits" \
          bkgimages="bkgmap.fits" \
          detmasks="detmask.fits" \
          sensimage="sensmap_fit_ext.fits" \
          emin="500." \
          emax="2000." \
          ecf="1.22246e+12" \
          method="FIT" \
          aper_type="BOX" \
          aper_size=4.5 \
          likemin=8. \
          detmask_flag="Y" \
          area_table="surveyarea_fit.fits" \
          area_flag="Y" \
          ext_flag="Y" \
          extentmodel="beta" \

Known issues:

In this version the modes shapelet_flag=Y, photon_flag=Y , extlike_flag=Y are not yet supported. Setting any of these flags has no effect.