eSASS calibration database (CALDB)

The Calibration Database (CALDB) of the eROSITA Science Analysis Software System (eSASS) stores and makes available files associated with the calibration of the eROSITA telescope. eSASS uses the HEASARC CALDB framework to manage the eROSITA calibration files. To download the eSASS CALDB, please refer to this page. To learn more about how a CALDB works, please visit the HEASARC CALDB site. The content of the eSASS CALDB is described in this webpage, but a detailed description of the CALDB can be found in the appendix B of Brunner, H., et al. (2022).

Organisation of the eSASS CALDB

Naming convention of the calibration files


      instrume          content of the INSTRUME keyword in cal file 
                        eROSITA telescope modules: tm1... tm7

       name             type of calibration file from CCLS0001 keyword of cal file
                        e.g. 2dpsf for 2-dimensional point spread function.

       detnam, filter   if needed to distinguish between calibration datasets, 
                        optional keywords, may be used, e.g. to distinguish between the 'filter' 
                        and 'open' filter wheel positions.

       startvalidity    validity start date from CVSD0001 keyword in the form 'yymmdd'

       nn               version number

List of calibration files for star sensors

Calibration file Task using the calibration file Description
bokz_boresight_170630v03 attprep Boresight quaternion of star sensor BOKZ on ART-XC.
sed1_boresight_170630v03 attprep Boresight quaternion of star sensor SED1 on eROSITA.
sed2_boresight_170630v03 attprep Boresight quaternion of star sensor SED2 on eROSITA.

List of calibration files for gyro

Calibration file Task using the calibration file Description
gyro_boresight_170630v04 attprep Boresight quaternion of gyro from 30.06.2017 00:00 UTC on.
gyro_boresight_191131v07 attprep Boresight quaternion of gyro from 30.11.2019 00:00 UTC on.
gyro_boresight_191208v10 attprep Boresight quaternion of gyro from 08.12.2019 14:00 UTC on.
gyro_boresight_200611v11 attprep Boresight quaternion of gyro from 11.06.2020 11:00 UTC on.

List of calibration files for TMs

Listed are the versions numbers of all calibration files which were used in the whole c010 processing not only DR1. Therefore the CALDB also contains files, which were not used for DR1, because their application is only necessary at a later date.

Calibration file Version[1] Task using the calibration file Description
tm[1-7]_2dpsf_190220v03 erbox, ermldet, ersensmap, erbackmap, srctool Survey-averaged and interpolated PANTER images; for detection (by erbox and ermldet, if used in image mode) and data modelling (a detailed description you can find here).
tm[1-7]_2dpsf_190219v05 erbox, ermldet, ersensmap, erbackmap, srctool 2D PSF images interpolated from PANTER; used for PSF correction (a detailed description you can find here).
tm[1-7]_arf_filter_000101v02 expmap, srctool Predicted and approximated ARF.
tm[1-4,6]_arf_open_000101v02 expmap, srctool Only for TMs with on-chip filter.
tm[1-7]_avignet_010101v01 eROSITA vignetting coefficients.
tm[1-7]_avignet2_010101v01 Obsolete: was used by srctool, expmap Analytic vignetting cofficients for vignetting computation.
tm[1-7]_badcamt_190701v<??> 02/03/03/08/04/06/03 evprep Time intervals for which no or corrupt data exists. In Cal-PV only used for TM3 and TM6 (each v01).
tm[1-7]_badpix_190712v<??> -/01/-/-/-/01/01 expmap, srctool Bright or flickering pixels or columns appearing after launch, used to account for lost area by bad pixels.
tm[1-7]_badpix_990101v<??> 01/-/01/01/01/-/- expmap, srctool empty file; only needed for the time period after launch if there are no bad pixels.
tm[2]_badpix_210117v01 expmap, srctool Old and new bright or flickering pixels or columns appearing during flight, used to account for lost area by bad pixels.
tm[3]_badpix_201127v01 expmap, srctool New bright or flickering pixels or columns appearing during flight, used to account for lost area by bad pixels.
tm[4]_badpix_191205v02 expmap, srctool New bright or flickering pixels or columns appearing during flight, used to account for lost area by bad pixels.
tm[4]_badpix_210223v10 Old plus the new bright or flickering pixels or columns which appeared after the micrometeoroid impact, used to account for lost area by bad pixels.
tm[5]_badpix_210310v13 expmap, srctool New bright or flickering pixels or columns, which appeared after the micrometeoroid impact, used to account for lost area by bad pixels.
tm[6]_badpix_191023v01 expmap, srctool Old and new bright or flickering pixels or columns appearing during flight, used to account for lost area by bad pixels.
tm[7]_badpix_210129v05 expmap, srctool Old and the new bright or flickering pixels or columns, which appeared after the micrometeoroid impact, used to account for lost area by bad pixels.
tm[1-7]_corr_algos_190701v -/-/-/-/02/-/02 evprep Time intervals for which special corrections have to be applied; they are not included in the standard pipeline processing; not used in Cal-PV data.
tm[1-7]_detmap_100602v02 srctool, evprep, expmap Detector map; same as fovmap but data format is real.
tm[1-7]_energy_190714v06 energy Parameters for the CTI and gain correction.
tm[1-7]_fovmap_190822v01 expmap Detector map; same as detmap, but integer data.
tm[1-7]_instpar_190701v15 Fixed to 15 apetool, evatt, expmap, srctool, tel, telatt Detector geometry: focal length, platescale, number of pixels, boresight etc.; no information on time shifts which can be found in tm?_timeoff*
tm[1-5]_instpar_200212v<??[2]> 09/10-12/10/10-11/09-10 apetool, evatt, expmap, srctool, tel, telatt Detector geometry: focal length, platescale, number of pixels, boresight etc.; with information on time shifts.
tm[6-7]_instpar_200213v<??[2]> 09/10 apetool, evatt, expmap, srctool, tel, telatt Detector geometry: focal length, platescale, number of pixels, boresight etc.; with information on time shifts.
tm[1-7]_instpar_100705v<??[2]> 08/08/02/08/08/07/08 apetool, evatt, expmap, srctool, tel, telatt Detector geometry with information on time shifts.
tm[1]_instpar_200331v10 apetool, evatt, expmap, srctool, tel, telatt Detector geometry with information on time shifts for TM1.
tm[2]_instpar_191203v13 apetool, evatt, expmap, srctool, tel, telatt Detector geometry with information on time shifts for TM2.
tm[3]_instpar_160523v09 apetool, evatt, expmap, srctool, tel, telatt Detector geometry with information on time shifts for TM3.
tm[4]_instpar_191211v09 apetool, evatt, expmap, srctool, tel, telatt Detector geometry with information on time shifts for TM4.
tm[5]_instpar_200506v11 apetool, evatt, expmap, srctool, tel, telatt Detector geometry with information on time shifts for TM5.
tm[6]_instpar_200205v08 apetool, evatt, expmap, srctool, tel, telatt Detector geometry with information on time shifts for TM6.
tm[7]_instpar_200207v09 apetool, evatt, expmap, srctool, tel, telatt Detector geometry with information on time shifts for TM7.
tm[1-7]_patfrac_140625v01 energy, srctool Pattern fractions.
tm[1-7]_rmf_141103v01      tm[1-7]_rmf_141103v02 srctool RMF derived from BESSY measurements.
tm[1-2]_slet_psf_171218v02 ermldet, shapelib Shapelet PSF coefficients.
tm[1-7]_subpix_130101v01 energy Parameters for the subpixel calculation.
tm[1-7]_thr_191001v01 evprep Threshold maps used by evprep before version 2.21.
tm[1-7]_thrscal_200119v01 evprep Scaled threshold map suitable for evprep-2.21 and higher.
tm[1-7]_timeoff_190701v<??> 01/02/02/02/02/02/02 evprep Time and date of time shift by 1 sec; there are only shifts between 0<->+1.
tm[1-7]_tvignet_100302v01 apetool Total (mirror+obscuration) vignetting function.

[1] Only if individual TMs in c010 processing have different version numbers due to a different calibration history. Different versions are separated by "/". In case a calibration file does not exist for a TM it is marked by "-".

[2] Version number is always lower than 15. Since one instpar-file is needed for each event, there can be more than one version number for a TM.