Content of the page (HDU means "Header Data Unit" of a fits file).
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Name | Type | Unit | Description |
DETUID | char[32] | None | Unique source ID |
NAME | char[23] | None | Source name 1eRASS JHHMMSS.s+DDMMSS |
RA | float64 | deg | Right ascension (J2000) |
DEC | float64 | deg | Declination (J2000) |
RA_XFIT | float64 | deg | Best-fit RA from MBProj2D |
DEC_XFIT | float64 | deg | Best-fit DEC from MBProj2D |
EXT_LIKE | float32 | None | Source extent likelihood |
DET_LIKE_0 | float32 | None | Source detection likelihood in 0.2-2.3keV |
EXP | float32 | None | Average exposure |
BEST_Z | float64 | None | Best available redshift |
BEST_ZERR | float64 | None | 1 sigma error of BEST_Z |
BEST_Z_TYPE | char[16] | None | type of BEST_Z |
PCONT | float64 | None | Probability of being a contaminant |
CR300kpc | float64 | s-1 | 0.2-2.3keV count rate within 300kpc |
CR300kpc_L | float64 | s-1 | 1sigma lower limit of CR300kpc |
CR300kpc_H | float64 | s-1 | 1sigma upper limit of CR300kpc |
CR500 | float64 | s-1 | 0.2-2.3keV count rate within R500 |
CR500_L | float64 | s-1 | 1sigma lower limit of CR500 |
CR500_H | float64 | s-1 | 1sigma upper limit of CR500 |
CTS300kpc | float64 | None | 0.2-2.3keV counts within 300kpc |
CTS300kpc_L | float64 | None | 1sigma lower limit of CTS300kpc |
CTS300kpc_H | float64 | None | 1sigma upper limit of CTS300kpc |
CTS500 | float64 | None | 0.2-2.3keV counts within R500 |
CTS500_L | float64 | None | 1sigma lower limit of CTS500 |
CTS500_H | float64 | None | 1sigma upper limit of CTS500 |
F300kpc | float64 | 10**-14 cm-2 erg s-1 | 0.2-2.3keV flux within 300kpc |
F300kpc_L | float64 | 10**-14 cm-2 erg s-1 | 1sigma lower limit of F300kpc |
F300kpc_H | float64 | 10**-14 cm-2 erg s-1 | 1sigma upper limit of F300kpc |
F500 | float64 | 10**-14 cm-2 erg s-1 | 0.2-2.3keV flux within R500 |
F500_L | float64 | 10**-14 cm-2 erg s-1 | 1sigma lower limit of F500 |
F500_H | float64 | 10**-14 cm-2 erg s-1 | 1sigma upper limit of F500 |
L300kpc | float64 | 10**42 erg s-1 | 0.2-2.3keV luminosity within 300kpc |
L300kpc_L | float64 | 10**42 erg s-1 | 1sigma lower limit of L300kpc |
L300kpc_H | float64 | 10**42 erg s-1 | 1sigma upper limit of L300kpc |
L500 | float64 | 10**42 erg s-1 | 0.2-2.3keV luminosity within R500 |
L500_L | float64 | 10**42 erg s-1 | 1sigma lower limit of L500 |
L500_H | float64 | 10**42 erg s-1 | 1sigma upper limit of L500 |
CR300kpc0520 | float64 | s-1 | 0.5-2.0keV count rate within 300kpc |
CR300kpc_L0520 | float64 | s-1 | 1sigma lower limit of CR300kpc0520 |
CR300kpc_H0520 | float64 | s-1 | 1sigma upper limit of CR300kpc0520 |
CR500_0520 | float64 | s-1 | 0.5-2.0keV count rate within R500 |
CR500_L_0520 | float64 | s-1 | 1sigma lower limit of CR500_0520 |
CR500_H_0520 | float64 | s-1 | 1sigma upper limit of CR500_0520 |
CTS300kpc0520 | float64 | None | 0.5-2.0keV counts within 300kpc |
CTS300kpc_L0520 | float64 | None | 1sigma lower limit of CTS300kpc0520 |
CTS300kpc_H0520 | float64 | None | 1sigma upper limit of CTS300kpc0520 |
CTS500_0520 | float64 | None | 0.5-2.0keV counts within R500 |
CTS500_L_0520 | float64 | None | 1sigma lower limit of CTS500_0520 |
CTS500_H_0520 | float64 | None | 1sigma upper limit of CTS500_0520 |
F300kpc0520 | float64 | 10**-14 cm-2 erg s-1 | 0.5-2.0keV flux within 300kpc |
F300kpc_L0520 | float64 | 10**-14 cm-2 erg s-1 | 1sigma lower limit of F300kpc0520 |
F300kpc_H0520 | float64 | 10**-14 cm-2 erg s-1 | 1sigma upper limit of F300kpc0520 |
F500_0520 | float64 | 10**-14 cm-2 erg s-1 | 0.5-2.0keV flux within R500 |
F500_L_0520 | float64 | 10**-14 cm-2 erg s-1 | 1sigma lower limit of F500_0520 |
F500_H_0520 | float64 | 10**-14 cm-2 erg s-1 | 1sigma upper limit of F500_0520 |
L300kpc0520 | float64 | 10**42 erg s-1 | 0.5-2.0keV luminosity within 300kpc |
L300kpc_L0520 | float64 | 10**42 erg s-1 | 1sigma lower limit of L300kpc0520 |
L300kpc_H0520 | float64 | 10**42 erg s-1 | 1sigma upper limit of L300kpc0520 |
L500_0520 | float64 | 10**42 erg s-1 | 0.5-2.0keV luminosity within R500 |
L500_L_0520 | float64 | 10**42 erg s-1 | 1sigma lower limit of L500_0520 |
L500_H_0520 | float64 | 10**42 erg s-1 | 1sigma upper limit of L500_0520 |
Lbol500 | float64 | 10**42 erg s-1 | Bolometric luminosity within R500 |
Lbol500_L | float64 | 10**42 erg s-1 | 1sigma lower limit of Lbol500 |
Lbol500_H | float64 | 10**42 erg s-1 | 1sigma upper limit of Lbol500 |
KT | float64 | keV | ICM temperature measured by MBProj2D |
KT_L | float64 | keV | 1sigma lower limit of KT |
KT_H | float64 | keV | 1sigma upper limit of KT |
MGAS500 | float64 | 10**11 solMass | Gas Mass within R500 |
MGAS500_L | float64 | 10**11 solMass | 1sigma lower limit of MGAS500 |
MGAS500_H | float64 | 10**11 solMass | 1sigma upper limit of MGAS500 |
YX500 | float64 | 10**11 keV solMass | The mass proxy Yx within R500 |
YX500_L | float64 | 10**11 keV solMass | 1sigma lower limit of YX500 |
YX500_H | float64 | 10**11 keV solMass | 1sigma upper limit of YX500 |
M500 | float64 | 10**13 solMass | Total mass within R500 |
M500_L | float64 | 10**13 solMass | 1sigma lower limit of M500 |
M500_H | float64 | 10**13 solMass | 1sigma upper limit of M500 |
FGAS500 | float64 | None | Gas Mass fraction within R500 |
FGAS500_L | float64 | None | 1sigma lower limit of FGAS500 |
FGAS500_H | float64 | None | 1sigma upper limit of FGAS500 |
R500 | float64 | kpc | Overdensity Radius R500 |
R500_L | float64 | kpc | 1sigma lower limit of R500 |
R500_H | float64 | kpc | 1sigma upper limit of R500 |
MATCH_NAME | char[240] | None | ID of matched counterparts in literature cluster catalogs |
M500_PDF | float64[200] | None | Probability density function of M500 |
M500_PDF_array | float64[200] | solMass | M500 corresponding to M500_PDF |
This work is based on data from eROSITA, the soft X-ray instrument aboard SRG, a joint Russian-German science mission supported by the Russian Space Agency (Roskosmos), in the interests of the Russian Academy of Sciences represented by its Space Research Institute (IKI), and the Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt (DLR). The SRG spacecraft was built by Lavochkin Association (NPOL) and its subcontractors and is operated by NPOL with support from the Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics (MPE). The development and construction of the eROSITA X-ray instrument was led by MPE, with contributions from the Dr. Karl Remeis Observatory Bamberg \& ECAP (FAU Erlangen-Nuernberg), the University of Hamburg Observatory, the Leibniz Institute for Astrophysics Potsdam (AIP), and the Institute for Astronomy and Astrophysics of the University of Tübingen, with the support of DLR and the Max Planck Society. The Argelander Institute for Astronomy of the University of Bonn and the Ludwig Maximilians Universität Munich also participated in the science preparation for eROSITA. The eROSITA data shown here were processed using the eSASS/NRTA software system developed by the German eROSITA consortium.